Spring 2015; Resolution Number: 06.05
Whereas, High textbook prices are an increasingly significant barrier to student success, as many students cannot afford and thus do not purchase necessary course materials without which their performance in the corresponding courses is impeded;
Whereas, Open Educational Resources, when reviewed and selected by discipline faculty for their own courses, can in many cases offer appropriate low-cost alternatives to published textbooks for students;
Whereas, AB 798 (Bonilla, as of April 6, 2015), the College Textbook Affordability Act, would provide resources for colleges to promote the consideration of Open Educational Resources by faculty but makes provision for local academic senate approval of any program established through these funds and allows colleges to set their own benchmarks to account for the use of the funds; and
Whereas, Assembly Member Bonilla and her staff have consulted directly with the ASCCC in developing AB 798 and have committed to further consultation necessary regarding any amendments to the bill;
Resolved, That the ASCCC endorse the intent of AB 798 (Bonilla, as of April 6, 2015) to promote the consideration of appropriate open educational resources through funding that is dependent on the agreement of local academic senates.