Additional resources will be added to this page as they are identified. If you are using an OER for a general educational course that is not included here, please let us know. If you are looking for resources for a specific course, please consult the appropriate OER by Discipline page.
This document is intended to serve as a resource for California community college (CCC) faculty and colleges that are seeking to develop entire degree pathways that use no-cost OER in lieu of commercial texts. It is not meant to be exhaustive. Courses are specified by C-ID designation, where available. Commonly taught courses not included in C-ID can be added and specified by title. It should be noted that the general education applicability of courses varies across colleges.
Please let us know if you are using a resource you would like to see added. While the focus of this collection is by general education area, you can also find:
- OER by Discipline
- OER by Transfer Model Curriculum
- OER by C-ID – “C-ID” refers to the Course Identification Numbering System that establishes articulation among the California Community Colleges. OER by C-ID can be found in Cool4Ed, a California State University website developed as part of an intersegmental textbook affordability effort.
Area A. English Language Communication and Critical Thinking – 9 semester (12-15 quarter) units.
At least one course each from A1, A2, A3.
A1 – Oral Communication
COMM 110 – Public Speaking
- Speak Out, Call In: Public Speaking as Advocacy Author (Mepes, 2019) – Pressbooks (CC BY-NC-SA)
- COMM 1: Introduction to Public Speaking (2023) – Fresno City College (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Fundamentals of Public Speaking (Stokes-Rice, Leonard, and Rome, College of the Canyons) (CC BY 4.0)
- Introduction to Public Communication (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- The Public Speaking Project in LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Exploring Public Speaking: 4th Edition (Barton and Tucker) in Galileo (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking (Saylor Academy, 2012) (CC BY-NC-SA)
COMM 120 – Argumentation and Debate
- Logic and Critical Thinking (Levin and Sheley) (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Logical Reasoning (Bradley H. Dowden, California State University Sacramento) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- The (In)Credible Argument: Crafting and Analyzing Arguments in College (Kepka) (PressBooks) (CC BY 4.0)
- Arguing Using Critical Thinking (Marteney) in LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- How Arguments Work: A Guide to Writing and Analyzing Texts in College (Mills et al., ASCCC OERI, 2022) – LibreTexts
- A Concise Introduction to Logic (DeLancey, 2017) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
COMM 130 – Interpersonal Communication
- I.C.A.T Interpersonal Communication Abridged Textbook (Patterson) (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Interpersonal Communication Textbook (Leonard, College of the Canyons, 2019) (CC BY 3.0)
- Communication to Connect: Interpersonal Communication for Today (Department of Communication Studies, Austin Community College) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- Interpersonal Communication – A Mindful Approach to Relationships (Wrench et al.) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Interpersonal Communication: Context and Connection (Multiple Authors, ASCCC OERI, 2022) – LibreTexts (CC BY unless otherwise noted)
A2 – Written Communication
ENGL 100 – College Composition
- Critical Worlds: A Targeted Introduction to Literary Analysis (Long, 2023) – Pressbooks (CC BY)
- EmpoWord: A Student-Centered Anthology and Handbook for College Writers (Abrams, 2018)
- How Arguments Work: A Guide to Writing and Analyzing Texts in College (Mills et al., ASCCC OERI, 2022) – LibreTexts
- Let’s Get Writing (Browning et al., 2018) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Successful College Composition (Crowther, et al., 2016)
- The Word on College Reading and Writing (Babin et al., 2017)
- Writing as Inquiry (Clevenger and Rust, 2022) (CC BY-NC-SA except where otherwise noted)
- Writing For Success 2023 (Martin, 2023) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Writing Guide with Handbook (OpenStax, Bachelor-Robinson, 2022)
- Supporting English Language Learners in First-Year College Composition (Bayraktar, 2023) (CC BY-NC-SA)
Additional Resources for College Composition
As this list is extensive, we have devoted a separate page to all textbooks and resources for C-ID English 100.
A3 – Critical Thinking
COMM 120 – Argumentation
- Logic and Critical Thinking (Levin and Sheley) (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Logical Reasoning (Bradley H. Dowden, California State University Sacramento) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- The (In)Credible Argument: Crafting and Analyzing Arguments in College (Kepka) (PressBooks) (CC BY 4.0)
- Arguing Using Critical Thinking (Marteney) in LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- How Arguments Work: A Guide to Writing and Analyzing Texts in College (Mills et al., ASCCC OERI, 2022) – LibreTexts
- A Concise Introduction to Logic (DeLancey, 2017) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
COMM 140 – Small Group Communication
- Problem Solving in Teams and Groups (Piercy) (CC BY)
- Problem Solving in Teams and Groups (Piercy) (Licensing Varies)
- Managing Groups and Teams (WikiBooks) (CC BY-SA)
- Small Group Communication: Forming & Sustaining Teams (Linabary, Pressbooks) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Small-Group Communication (Osborne, College of the Canyons, 2019) (CC BY 4.0)
- An Introduction to Group Communication (V2.0 Granite State College, PressBooks)
ENGL 105 – Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking
- Reading, Writing and Evaluating Argument (Werry, 2019) – Word (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Arguments in Context: An Introduction to Critical Thinking (Robinson, 2021)
- Write What Matters: A modular open educational resource to support first-year writing courses in Idaho (Long et al., MSL Academic Endeavors, 2020) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Informed Arguments: A Guide to Writing and Research (Pantuso, et al, Texas A&M, 2019) (CC BY-NC-SA
- Claim Your Voice in First Year Composition, Vol. 2 (Kiefer and Rock, 2021) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- A Dam Good Argument (Delf et al, 2022)
- How Arguments Work: A Guide to Writing and Analyzing Texts in College (Mills et al., ASCCC OERI, 2022) – LibreTexts
PHIL 110 – Introduction to Logic
- Logic & Critical Thinking: An Open Educational Resource (Levin and Sheley, 2019) (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Fundamental Methods of Logic (Knachel, 2017) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Logical Reasoning (Dowden, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking (Van Cleave, 2017) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Clear and Present Thinking (Myers, 2017) (CC BY-ND)
- Thinking Well: A Logic & Critical Thinking Textbook (ver 3.2) (Lavin, 2022) (CC BY)
PHIL 210 – Symbolic Logic
(All of these texts meet the requirements delineated in this C-ID descriptor but vary in focus, breadth, presentation, and exercises)
- The Carnap Book (Leach-Krouse and Ehrlich, 2024) (CC BY)
- forallx: Calgary, An Introduction to Formal Logic (Magnus, 2020) (CC BY)
- forallx: An Introduction to Formal Logic (Magnus, 2017) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- A Concise Introduction to Logic (DeLancey, 2017) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Open Logic Text (Open Logic Project, 2021) (CC BY)
- Symbolic Logic: An Accessible Introduction to Serious Mathematical Logic (Ray, 2021) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Modern Formal Logic Primer (Teller, 1989 – LibreTexts (Copyrighted, Free for Instructional and Educational Use)
Area B. Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning – 9 semester (12-15 quarter) units.
At least one course each from Areas B1, B2, B4. At least one of the courses in B1 or B2 must contain a laboratory component. Underlined course numbers have a laboratory component embedded in them, and fulfill the Area B3 requirement. If neither course chosen from Areas B1 and B2 has a lab component embedded in it, then a separate laboratory course must be chosen from Area B3 in the same discipline as one of the courses taken in B1 or B2.
B1 – Physical Sciences
CHEM 110 – General Chemistry for Science Majors I, with Lab
- OpenStax Chemistry (Flowers et al.; 2019) (CC BY)
- OpenStax Chemistry 2e Atoms First (Flowers, et al.; 2019) (CC BY)
- General Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach (Halpern, 2016) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- General Chemistry: Principles, Patterns, and Applications (Averill and Eldredge, 2011) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
CHEM 150 – Organic Chemistry for Science Majors I, with Lab
- Organic Chemistry: A Tenth Edition (McMurry, 2023) – OpenStax (CC BY-NC-SA)
- LibreTexts Organic Chemistry (Morsch et al.) (LibreTexts, 2022) (CC BY-SA)
GEOG 110 – Introduction to Physical Geography
- Physical Geography (Patrich, 2024) – College of the Canyons (CC BY)
- The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography (Ritter, 2021) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Supplemental Materials: Physical Geography (Lenkeit-Meezan) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- Physical Geography and Natural Disasters (Dastrup, 2021) – Open Geography Education (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd edition (2018)
- Physical Geography – Version 1 (Patrich and Radtke, 2020)
GEOL 100 – Physical Geology
- An Introduction to Geology (Johnson, Affolter, Inkenbrandt, and Mosher, 2019)
- Physical Geology – 2e (Earle, 2019) (CC BY)
- The Dynamic Earth (Kious and Tilling, 2022) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- Introduction to Physical Geology (Staff, Miracosta College)
- Fundamentals of Geology (Schulte) (CC BY 4.0)
- Physical Geology (Panchuk, 2021) – First University of Saskatchewan Edition (CC BY)
GEOL 110 – Historical Geology
GEOL 120 – Earth Science
- Introduction to Earth Science (C-ID: GEOL 121) (Coalinga College) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Introduction to Earth Science, Second Edition (Neser, 2025) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- The Physical Environment: An OER Geography Textbook (Ritter, 2020) (CC BY-SA)
PHYS 105 – Algebra/Trigonometry-Based Physics A
- College Physics (OpenStax, 2020)
- Light and Matter (Crowell, 2020) (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Spiral Physics (D’Alessandris) (CC BY-NC-SA) – LibreTexts
PHYS 205 – Calculus-Based Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A
- Classical Mechanics (Tom Weideman) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- University Physics Volume 1 (OpenStax, 2020) (CC BY 4.0)
- Classical Mechanics with Numerical Methods (Budarz)
- Mechanics (Crowell, 2019) (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Calculus-Based Physics I (Schnick) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- University Physics I – Classical Mechanics (Gea-Banacloche) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Introductory Physics – Building Models to Describe Our World (Martin et al.) (CC BY-SA)
Courses without a C-ID designation
No resources identified.
B2 – Life Science
ANTH 110 – Introduction to Biological Anthropology
- Introduction to Anthropology (Jennifer Hasty, David G. Lewis, & Marjorie M. Snipes, 2022, OpenStax) (CC BY)
- Introduction to Anthropology: Holistic and Applied Research on Being Human (Palmiotto A, Homsey-Messer L, Ford B, Poole A, Adams A, Allard F, Chadwick W, 2022) (CC BY-SA)
- Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology Second Edition (American Anthropological Association, 2023) (CC BY-NC)
- Introduction to Physical Anthropology (Schoenberg, 2020) (CC BY-NC)
- The History of Our Tribe: Hominini (Welker, 2017) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- Becoming Human: How Evolution Made Us (Downey, 2013) (CC-BY-NC 3.0)
- Biological Anthropology (Saneda and Field) – LibreTexts (CC-BY-NC-SA)
BIOL 115 S – Human Anatomy and Physiology with Lab
BIOL 120 B – Human Physiology with Lab
BIOL 190 – Cell and Molecular Biology
- Principles of Biology (Bartee et al., n.d.) – Open Oregon (CC BY 4.0 International)
- Basic Cell and Molecular Biology 4th edition (Bergtrom, 2020) – University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (CC BY 4.0 International)
PSY 150 – Introduction to Biological Psychology
- Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience (OpenStax) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Biopsychology (ASCCC OERI, 2022 Draft) – LibreTexts (License varies)
- Psyc 310: Biological Psychology (Keys) – LibreTexts (Licenses vary)
- Understanding Biological Behavior (First Edition) (Miguel) (Noba) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Psychology as a Biological Science by Peter Lindberg (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Introduction to Biological Psychology (Hall, 2023) – Pressbooks and LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- Biological Psychology (Hove and Martinez, 2024) – ROTEL project (CC BY-NC-SA)
Introduction to Biology
- Concepts of Biology (Fowler et al., 2013) – OpenStax (CC BY)
- OpenStax Biology 2e (Clark et al., 2018) (CC BY 4.0)
- Biofundamentals (Klymkowsky and Cooper, 2021) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- Boundless Biology (Boundless, n.d.) – LumenLearning (Licenses vary.)
Human Biology
- Microbiology ADAPT Ancillaries (Liu et al, 2024) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Microbiology Canvas Ancillaries (Liu, 2022) (CC BY 4.0)
- Microbiology for Earth Scientists (Kirk) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Microbiology (Kaiser) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Microbiology (Parker et al., 2016) – OpenStax (CC BY)
B3 – Laboratory Activity
ANTH 115 L – Biological Anthropology Lab
- Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology – Lab Manual (American Anthropological Association, 2021) (CC BY-NC 4.0)
- Biological Anthropology – Laboratory Activities – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
- General Biology Labs – LibreTexts (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0)
GEOG 111 – Physical Geography, Laboratory
- Physical Geography Lab Manual (Ray et al., 2020) (CC BY-NC 4.0) – LibreTexts
- Physical Geography Lab Manual (Pesses, Welsh, and Adams, 2017) (CC BY 4.0)
GEOL 100 L – Physical Geology Laboratory
- Phyiscal Geology Laboratory (Johnson) (CC BY-SA)
- GEOS: A Physical Geology Lab Manual for California Community Colleges (Branciforte and Haddad, 2021) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology (Deline, Harris, and Tefend, 2019) (CC BY-NC-SA)
GEOL 110 L – Historical Geology Laboratory
B4 – Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 110 – Introduction to Statistics
- Statistics for Social Justice Studies (Blustein, et al., ASCCC OERI) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- OpenIntro Statistics (Diez, Barr, and Cetinkaya-Rundel) (CC BY-SA)
- Statistics Using Technology (Kozak) (CC BY-SA) – Coconino Community College website
- Introductory Statistics (OpenStax) – LibreTexts (CC BY 4.0)
- Foundations in Statistical Reasoning (Kaslik) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA-NC)
MATH 140 – Business Calculus
MATH 155 – Precalculus
- Precalculus 2e (OpenStax) (CC BY)
- Algebra and Trigonometry 2e (OpenStax) (CC BY)
- Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions (Includes Trig) 2nd Ed (Lippman, Rasmussen) (CC BY-SA)
- Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions (Includes Trig) 1st Ed (Lippman, Rasmussen) (CC BY-SA)
- Precalculus / College Algebra, 3rd Edition (Stitz, Zeager) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Precalculus / Trigonometry 3rd Edition (Stitz, Zeager) (CC BY-NC-SA)
MATH 851 – Trigonometry
- No resources identified.
SOCI 125 – Introduction to Statistics in Sociology
- Introductory Statistics (OpenStax) – LibreTexts (CC BY 4.0)
- Statistics for the Social Sciences (Pelz, Lumen Learning) (License varies)
Area C. Arts and Humanities – 9 semester (12-15 quarter) units.
Choose three courses total, at least one course from C1 and one course from C2. Selections must be from at least from two different academic areas.
C1 – Arts
ARTH 100 – Understanding Art
- Art Appreciation (Asa Sion Mittman, 2023) – Smart History (CC BY-NC)
- Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning (Sachant et al.) (CC BY-SA)
- A World Perspective of Art Appreciation (Gustlin and Gustlin) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Art Appreciation (Christopher Gildow) (CC BY)
ARTH 110 – Survey of Western Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages
- Introduction to Art History I: An OER Textbook for Survey of Western Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages (Myers, Caldwell, Taylor, ) (ASCCC OERI, 2022) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Reframing Art History (Smarthistory) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- Smarthistory Guide to AP® Art History, Volumes 2 (Early Europe, Colonial Americas) and 3 (Later Europe, the Americas) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Art History (Boundless) (License Varies)
- SUNY’s Art History and Appreciation I (Lumen Learning) (License Varies)
- ASCCC OERI ARTH 110—Glossary Project on Canvas (Lynch) (CC BY-NC 4.0)
ARTH 120 – Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary
- Reframing Art History (Smarthistory) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- A World Perspective of Art History: 1400 CE to the 21st Century (Gustlin and Gustlin) (ASCCC-OERI, 2022)
- Smarthistory Guide to AP® Art History, Volumes 2 (Early Europe, Colonial Americas) and 3 (Later Europe, the Americas) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Art History (Boundless) (License Varies)
ARTH 130 – Survey of Asian Art
- Asian Art History (Lumen Learning) (Licenses vary)
- South and East Asian Philosophy Reader: an Open Educational Resource (Levin) (CC BY-NC-SA)
ARTH 140 – Art of Africa, Oceania and Indigenous North Americas
- The Bright Continent: African Art History (Kathy Curnow) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- American Encounters: Art, History, and Cultural Identity (Miller, Berlo, Wolf, and Roberts) (CC BY-NC-SA)
ARTH 150 – Survey of Modern Art
- No resources identified.
ARTS 101 – 3-D Foundations
No resources identified.
ARTS 110 – Fundamentals of Drawing
No resources identified.
MUS 100 – Music Appreciation
Understanding Music: Past and Present (Clark, Heflin, Kluball, and Kramer) (CC BY-SA)
MUS 110 – Music Fundamentals
No resources identified.
THTR 112 – Theatre Appreciation
No resources identified.
THTR 113 – Theatre History I
No resources identified.
THTR 151 – Acting I
No resources identified.
C2 – Humanities
ANTH 130 – Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
- Asian Art History (Lumen Learning) (Licenses vary)
- South and East Asian Philosophy Reader: an Open Educational Resource (Levin) (CC BY-NC-SA)
COMM 170 – Oral Interpretation of Literature
- No resources identified.
ENGL 120 – Introduction to Literature
See the C-ID English 110 list above. As per the course description, C-ID English 110, Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking Through Literature, is designed to include English 120 content.
- Introduction to Literature Subtitle: Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, and How They Shape Us (Young, 2024) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Literary Studies For A Sustainable Future (Espinoza-Vasquez, 2024) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Surface and Subtext: Literature, Research, Writing (Carly-Miles et al, 2024) (CC BY-NC)
- Literature, Critical Thinking, & Writing (Shehorn, 2023) (CC BY)
- Writing and Literature: Composition as Inquiry, Learning, Thinking, and Communication (Bennet, 2017)
- Writing and Critical Thinking Through Literature (Ringo and Kashyap, 2020) – LibreTexts
- The Open Anthology of Literature in English (O’Brien) (CC BY-NC)
- Literature, the Humanities, and Humanity (Steinberg, 2014) (CC BY-NC-SA)
ENGL 130 – Survey of American Literature 1
- The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature (DeRosa et al., 2016) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Digital American Literature Anthology (O’Connor, 2019) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution (Kurant, 2018)
- American Literature I: An Anthology of Texts From Early America Through the Civil War (Kurtz) (CC BY-SA)
- Authoring America: A Survey of American Literature from the Beginnings to 2020, VOLUME 2: American Literature from 1820-1865 (Grogan, 2021) (CC BY-SA)
- Authoring America: A Survey of American Literature from Its Beginnings to 2020, VOLUME 1: American Literature from Its Beginnings to 1820 (Grogan, 2021) (CC BY-SA)
ENGL 135 – Survey of American Literature 2
- Writing the Nation: A Concise Guide to American Literature 1865 to Present (Berke et al., 2015)
- Authoring America: A Survey of American Literature from the Beginnings to 2020, Volume 4: American Literature from 1914-1945 (Grogan, 2021) (CC BY-SA)
- Authoring America: A Survey of American Literature from the Beginnings to 2020, Volume 3: American Literature from 1865-1914 (Grogan, 2021) (CC BY-SA)
- Authoring America: A Survey of American Literature from Its Beginnings to 2020, VOLUME 1: American Literature from Its Beginnings to 1820 (Grogan, 2021) (CC BY-SA)
ENGL 140 – Survey of World Literature 1
- World Literature I: Beginnings to 1650 (Getty and Kwon, 2015)
- Compact Anthology of World Literature (Getty and Kwon, 2015)
ENGL 145 – Survey of World Literature 2
ENGL 180 – Children’s Literature
- Kids Read the Best Stuff (Priebe, 2022) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- The Inside, Outside, and Upside Downs of Children’s Literature: From Poets and Pop-ups to Princesses and Porridge (Schuster) (CC BY-NC-ND)
HIST 130 – US History to 1877
- U.S. History (OpenStax) (CC BY)
- The American Yawp (CC BY-SA)
- Sage American History: A Survey of America’s Past (CC BY-NC-SA)
- American Environmental History (Allosso)
- African American History (Christopher Collins, 2020) – Google Docs (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, unless otherwise indicated)
- American History I: Colonial Period to Civil War (Williamson and Aiello) (CC BY)
- History in the Making: A History of the People of the United States of America to 1877 (Locks et al., 2013) (CC BY-SA)
HIST 140 – US History from 1865
- U.S. History (OpenStax) (CC BY)
- The American Yawp (CC BY-SA)
- Sage American History: A Survey of America’s Past (CC BY-NC-SA)
- American Environmental History (Allosso)
- African American History (Christopher Collins, 2020) – Google Docs (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, unless otherwise indicated)
- United States History, Volume 2 (Trowbridge) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
HIST 150 – World History to 1500
HIST 160 – World History since 1500
- Modern World History: New Perspectives (OERI Project, 2024) (CC BY-NC-SA) – LibreTexts
- World History Since 1500: An Open and Free Textbook (Rankin and Weise, 2022) (CC-BY 4.0)
- World History, Volume 2: from 1400 (Kordas, Lynch, Nelson, and Tatlock, 2022) (OpenStax) (CC BY 4.0)
- Modern World History (Allosso and Williford) – Pressbooks (CC BY-NC-SA)
HIST 170 – Western Civilization I
PHIL 100 – Introduction to Philosophy
- Learning from Arguments: An Introduction to Philosophy (Korman, 2022) (CC BY-NC)
- Introduction to Philosophy (Smith, N., et al, 2023) – OpenStax (CC BY)
- Introduction to Philosophy Reader: An Open Educational Resource (Levin, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- An Introduction to Philosophy (Payne, 2015) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- The Originals: Classic Readings in Western Philosophy (McLaughlin, 2017) (CC-BY)
- Reading for Philosophical Inquiry: A Brief Introduction to Philosophical Thinking, An Open Source Reader (Archie and Archie, 2004) (CC BY-SA)
PHIL 110 – Introduction to Logic
- Logic & Critical Thinking: An Open Educational Resource (Levin and Sheley, 2019) (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Fundamental Methods of Logic (Knachel, 2017) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Logical Reasoning (Dowden, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking (Van Cleave, 2017) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Clear and Present Thinking (Myers, 2017) (CC BY-ND)
- Thinking Well: A Logic & Critical Thinking Textbook (ver 3.2) (Lavin, 2022) (CC BY)
PHIL 120 – Introduction to Ethics
- Introduction to Ethics: An Open Educational Resource (Levin, 2019) – LibreTexts (CC-BY)
- Introduction to Ethical Studies: An Open Source Reader (Archie and Archie, 2004) (CC BY-SA)
- Ethics for A-Level (Dimmock and Fisher, 2017) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics (Matthews, 2020) (CC BY)
PHIL 130 – History of Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 140 – History of Modern Philosophy
SPAN 100 – Elementary Spanish I
- Yo puedo: segundos pasos (Silvaggio-Adams and Vallejo-Alegre, Milne Open Textbooks, 2021) (CC BY-NC)
- Yo puedo: para empezar (Silvaggio-Adams and Vallejo-Alegre, Milne Open Textbooks, 2021) (CC BY-NC)
- Instructor Guide: Tarea Libre I (ASCCC OERI, Moon, Lee, Harmon, and Meléndez-Ballesteros) (CC BY)
- Pluma (Hernández, 2021) (CC BY NC SA)
- ¡Cultivemos! 1 and ¡Cultivemos! 2 (CSU Pueblo) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Nuestra comunidad latina (Amores and Rodríguez, 2020) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Spanish II (Celis, 2019) (License not specified)
- Spanish 3 (Kelly-Glasoe, Soltman, & Flores, 2013) (CC BY 3.0)
- Spanish 2 (Kelly-Glasoe, Soltman, & Flores, 2013) (CC BY 3.0)
- Spanish 1 (Kelly-Glasoe, Soltman, & Flores, 2013) (CC BY 3.0)
- ¡Chévere! Introductory Spanish I and II (Small, Escudero, Montoya, and Ed Beck., 2021, State University of New York, College at Oneonta) (CC-BY)
- Beginning Spanish, ¡Empecemos por aquí! Ceciliano and Notman, 2022, Portland State University) (CC-BY-NC)
- Spanish I: Beginning Spanish Language and Culture (Dean, 2020) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- ¡Naveguemos juntos! (2021) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC 4.0)
- Libro Libre (Huebener) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Introductory Spanish II (Lumen) (Licenses vary)
- Introductory Spanish I (Lumen) (Licenses vary)
- Hola a Todos: Elementary Spanish I (Stone et al, 2018) (CC BY 3.0)
- Elementary Spanish I (Serrano, 2016) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- ¡Bienvenidos! Spanish Language Textbook (Farmer et al., 2020) (CC BY 4.0)
Area D. Social Sciences – 9 semester (12-15 quarter) units. Choose courses from at least two academic disciplines.
D1 – Social Sciences
ANTH 120 – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology, 2nd Edition (American Anthropological Association, 2020) (CC-BY-NC 4.0)
- Cultural Anthropology – LibreTexts (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- The Art of Being Human: A Textbook for Cultural Anthropology (New Prairie Press, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Introduction to Anthropology (Jennifer Hasty, David G. Lewis, & Marjorie M. Snipes, 2022, OpenStax) (CC BY)
- Introduction to Anthropology: Holistic and Applied Research on Being Human (Palmiotto A, Homsey-Messer L, Ford B, Poole A, Adams A, Allard F, Chadwick W, 2022) (CC BY-SA)
ANTH 130 – Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
- Essentials of Linguistics, 2nd Edition (Anderson et al., 2022) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Languages and Worldview (Allard-Kropp, 2024) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
ANTH 150 – Introduction to Archaeology
- Writing as Material Practice – Substance, Surface and Medium (Piquette et al.) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- Introduction to Archaeology: A Workbook (Lemke, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Archaeology (Ruth) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Digging into Archaeology: A Brief OER Introduction to Archaeology with Activities (Wolcott Paskey and Beasley Cisneros, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- Traces: An Open Invitation to Archaeology (Whatcom Community College, FORTHCOMING) (CC BY)
CDEV 100 – Child, Growth and Development
- Understanding the Whole Child: Growth and Development Conception through Adolescence (Saddleback College) – Pressbooks (CC BY)
- Child Growth and Development – LibreTexts (CC BY, except where otherwise noted)
- Child Growth and Development (Zaar) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- The Whole Child: Development in the Early Years – (Budzyna and Buckley) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Infant and Child Development: From Conception Through Late Childhood – Simple Book Publishing (Parnes and Pagano) (CC BY-NC-SA)
CDEV 110 – Child, Family and Community
- Child, Family and Community (Laff and Ruiz) – LibreTexts (CC BY, except where otherwise noted)
- Child Family Community: The Socialization of Diverse Children (ASCCC OERI, 2022) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Children, Families, Schools, and Communities [Revised Edition] – (Giovannini) (CC BY-NC-SA)
ECON 201 – Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 202 – Principles of Macroeconomics
GEOG 120 – Introduction to Human Geography
- Introduction to Human Geography (Dastrup) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Introduction to Human Geography: A Disciplinary Approach (Graves, 2020) (CC BY-NC)
GEOG 125 – World Regional Geography
- OERI Contemporary World Geographies (Gregorio, Naraghi, Ray, Scott, Sellers, and Wallace) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Introduction to World Regional Geography (Dastrup, 2019) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization (Berglee, 2012) – Saylor Academy (CC BY-NC-SA)
HIST 130 – US History to 1877
- U.S. History (OpenStax) (CC BY)
- The American Yawp (CC BY-SA)
- Sage American History: A Survey of America’s Past (CC BY-NC-SA)
- American Environmental History (Allosso)
- African American History (Christopher Collins, 2020) – Google Docs (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, unless otherwise indicated)
- American History I: Colonial Period to Civil War (Williamson and Aiello) (CC BY)
- History in the Making: A History of the People of the United States of America to 1877 (Locks et al., 2013) (CC BY-SA)
HIST 140 – US History from 1865
- U.S. History (OpenStax) (CC BY)
- The American Yawp (CC BY-SA)
- Sage American History: A Survey of America’s Past (CC BY-NC-SA)
- American Environmental History (Allosso)
- African American History (Christopher Collins, 2020) – Google Docs (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, unless otherwise indicated)
- United States History, Volume 2 (Trowbridge) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
HIST 150 – World History to 1500
HIST 160 – World History since 1500
- Modern World History: New Perspectives (OERI Project, 2024) (CC BY-NC-SA) – LibreTexts
- World History Since 1500: An Open and Free Textbook (Rankin and Weise, 2022) (CC-BY 4.0)
- World History, Volume 2: from 1400 (Kordas, Lynch, Nelson, and Tatlock, 2022) (OpenStax) (CC BY 4.0)
- Modern World History (Allosso and Williford) – Pressbooks (CC BY-NC-SA)
POLS 110 – Introduction to American Government and Politics
- Introduction to California Government and Politics (Reti) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- American Government 3e – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- American Government (Lenz and Holman, 2018) (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- American Government and Politics in the Information Age – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Attenuated Democracy: A Critical Introduction to U.S. Government and Politics (Hubert, 2020); Attenuated Democracy – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Boundless Political Science by Simple Book Publishing (Lumen Learning) – (Licensing varies by topic)
POLS 120 – Introduction to Political Theory and Thought
- Political Philosophy Reader An Open Educational Resource (Levin, 2019) – N.G.E. Far Press (CC BY-SA)
- Nationalism, Self-Determination and Secession (Andres and Saward, 2013) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- Conflict, War and Revolution: The problem of politics in international political thought (Kelly, 2022) – LSE Press (CC-BY)
- On Civic Republicanism: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics (Kellow and Leddy, eds., 2016, University of Toronto Press) (CC BY-NC-ND)
- On Global Citizenship (Tully, ed., 2014, Bloomsbury Academic) (CC BY-NC-ND)
POLS 130 – Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics
POLS 140 – Introduction to International Relations
- Understanding Global Politics (Bloor, 2022) – E-International Relations (CC BY-NC)
- International Relations Theory (McGlinchey, Walters and Scheinpflug, 2022) – E-International Relations Publishing (CC BY-NC)
- A Short Introduction to World Politics (Meacham, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Canvas Course Shell for Introduction to International Relations (CC BY-NC)
- Human Security in World Affairs: Problems and Opportunities (2nd ed., Lautensach and Lautensach, eds., 2020) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- International Relations (McGlinchey, ed. 2017) (CC BY-NC)
- Meditations on Diplomacy: Comparative Cases in Diplomatic Practice and Foreign Policy (Chan, 2017) (CC BY-NC 4.0)
PSY 110 – Introduction to Psychology
- Introductory Psychology (OpenStax) – LibreTexts (CC BY 4.0)
- Discover Psychology 2.0: A Brief Introductory Text (Diener and Biswas-Diener) (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- Introduction to Psychology (2019) by Jorden A. Cummings & Lee Sanders (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Psychology: The Science of Human Potential by Jeffrey Levy (CC-BY 4.0)
PSY 120 – Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
- Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders, 3rd edition (Alexis Bridley and Lee Daffin, 2024) – Pressbooks (CC-BY-NC SA 4.0)
- Abnormal Psychology (Jorden Cummings, 2020) – Pressbooks (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Introduction to Abnormal Psychology (Raechel Soicher, 2022) – Noba project (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Abnormal Psychology (Lumen Learning) (Varied Licenses – terms of each page must be reviewed)
- Ancillary materials for Abnormal Psychology (Sean Callahn, Elizabeth Ann Dose, Luba Ibrahim & Marla Means, 2022) – Open ALG Affordable Learning Georgia (CC BY-NC-SA)
PSY 150 – Introduction to Biological Psychology
- Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience (OpenStax) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Biopsychology (ASCCC OERI, 2022 Draft) – LibreTexts (License varies)
- Psyc 310: Biological Psychology (Keys) – LibreTexts (Licenses vary)
- Understanding Biological Behavior (First Edition) (Miguel) (Noba) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Psychology as a Biological Science by Peter Lindberg (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Introduction to Biological Psychology (Hall, 2023) – Pressbooks and LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- Biological Psychology (Hove and Martinez, 2024) – ROTEL project (CC BY-NC-SA)
PSY 180 – Introduction to Lifespan Psychology
- Lifespan Development (Riser, Spielman, and Biek) (2024) – Openstax (CC-BY 4.0)
- Lifespan Development: A Psychological Perspective Fourth Edition (Lally and Valentine-French, 2022) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- Human Growth and Development (Newton, 2022) – Pressbooks (CC BY)
- Psychology through the Lifespan (Alisa Beyer and Julie Lazzara, 2020) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- Lifespan Development (Lumen Learning) (Varied Licenses – terms of each page must be reviewed)
- Human Growth and Development Question Library (Cotter, Fisk and Grissett, 2018) – Galileo (CC BY-SA)
- Human Development (Callahan, Dose, Wright, Pace, Earl, and Nummerdor, 2020) – Georgia Highlands College (Varied Licenses)
PSY 200 – Research Methods in Psychology
- Research Methods in Psychology (Dudley, 2024) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Research Methods in Psychology (Jhangiani, Chiang, Cuttler, and Leighton, 2019) – LibreTexts) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Research Methods for Psychology (T. L. Brink, 2018) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Psychology Research Methods and Statistics (Pearcey, Kirsner, Randall, Willard, Williamson, and Downtain, 2017) (CC BY 4.0)
SOCI 110 – Introduction to Sociology
- Introduction to Sociology 3e (OpenStax) (CC BY)
- Sociology (Barkan) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- Sociology (Boundless) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- Introduction to Sociology (Hammond and Cheney) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Introduction to Sociology (College of the Canyons) – PDF (CC BY 4.0)
- Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World (Saylor Academy, 2016) (CC BY-NC-SA)
SOCI 115 – Social Problems
- Social Problems: Continuity and Change (Lumen Learning for SUNY) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Social Problems: Continuity and Change (College of the Canyons, 2015) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
SOCI 130 – Introduction to marriage and Family
- Contemporary Families – An Equity Lens (Pearce) – LibreTexts (CC BY 4.0)
- Sociology of the Family (Hammond) (CC BY)
- Intimate Relationships and Families (College of the Canyons) – PDF (CC BY)
- Parenting and Family Diversity Issues- Diana L. Lang (Iowa State University Digital Press, 2020) (CC BY-NC-SA)
SOCI 140 – Introduction to Gender
- Introduction to Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies (Kang, Lessard, & Heston, 2017) (CC BY 4.0)
- Global Women’s Issues: Women in the World Today, extended version (Bureau of International Information Programs, United States Department of State) (Public Domain)
- Introduction to Women’s Studies (College of the Canyons, 2017) (CC BY 4.0)
- Gendered Lives: Global Issues- Milne Open Textbooks (Fernandez and Nelson, 2021) (CC BY)
- The American LGBTQ Rights Movement: an introduction- Morgan and Rodriguez (Humboldt State University Press) (CC BY-SA)
SOCI 150 – Introduction to Race and Ethnicity
- Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (Ounjian, 2023) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Immigrant and Refugee Families (Ballard et al.) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- Minority Studies (Dunn) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.: An Intersectional Approach (2021) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Beyond Race: Cultural Influences on Human Social Life (Kennedy, 2018) (CC BY-NC-SA)
SOCI 160 – Introduction to Crime
One needs to look through all the resources here. There is sufficient material to create a text, but an instructor would need to organize it to suit their needs.
- Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System (Burke, Carter, Fedorek, Morey, Rutz-Burri, Sanchez) (CC BY-SA)
- ”Criminology” search query on Geneseo
- Fundamental Cases in Criminal Justice (McKee) (OER-QMS)
- Criminal Justice: A Overview of the System (McKee, 2018) (OER-QMS)
- Introduction to Criminology- Lecture Slides (Ramirez, 2020) (CC BY)
Area E. Lifelong Learning and Self-Development – 3 semester (4-5 quarter) units.
E1 – Lifelong Learning and Self-Development
CDEV 100 – Child Growth and Development
- Understanding the Whole Child: Growth and Development Conception through Adolescence (Saddleback College) – Pressbooks (CC BY)
- Child Growth and Development – LibreTexts (CC BY, except where otherwise noted)
- Child Growth and Development (Zaar) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- The Whole Child: Development in the Early Years – (Budzyna and Buckley) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Infant and Child Development: From Conception Through Late Childhood – Simple Book Publishing (Parnes and Pagano) (CC BY-NC-SA)
CDEV 110 – Child, Family and Community
- Child, Family and Community (Laff and Ruiz) – LibreTexts (CC BY, except where otherwise noted)
- Child Family Community: The Socialization of Diverse Children (ASCCC OERI, 2022) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Children, Families, Schools, and Communities [Revised Edition] – (Giovannini) (CC BY-NC-SA)
NUTR 110 – Introduction to Nutrition Science
PSY 120 – Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
- Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders, 3rd edition (Alexis Bridley and Lee Daffin, 2024) – Pressbooks (CC-BY-NC SA 4.0)
- Abnormal Psychology (Jorden Cummings, 2020) – Pressbooks (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Introduction to Abnormal Psychology (Raechel Soicher, 2022) – Noba project (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Abnormal Psychology (Lumen Learning) (Varied Licenses – terms of each page must be reviewed)
- Ancillary materials for Abnormal Psychology (Sean Callahn, Elizabeth Ann Dose, Luba Ibrahim & Marla Means, 2022) – Open ALG Affordable Learning Georgia (CC BY-NC-SA)
PSY 180 – Introduction to Lifespan Psychology
- Lifespan Development (Riser, Spielman, and Biek) (2024) – Openstax (CC-BY 4.0)
- Lifespan Development: A Psychological Perspective Fourth Edition (Lally and Valentine-French, 2022) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- Human Growth and Development (Newton, 2022) – Pressbooks (CC BY)
- Psychology through the Lifespan (Alisa Beyer and Julie Lazzara, 2020) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- Lifespan Development (Lumen Learning) (Varied Licenses – terms of each page must be reviewed)
- Human Growth and Development Question Library (Cotter, Fisk and Grissett, 2018) – Galileo (CC BY-SA)
- Human Development (Callahan, Dose, Wright, Pace, Earl, and Nummerdor, 2020) – Georgia Highlands College (Varied Licenses)
Area F: ETHNIC STUDIES – 3 semester (4-5 quarter) units.
Introduction to Ethnic Studies
- Introduction to Ethnic Studies (ASCCC OERI, Fischer, Espinoza-Kulick, Acevedo, Hodges, Leal, and Cheshire) (CC BY-NC)
- Black Lives Matter Collective Storytelling Project (University of Washington, 2021) (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Latinxs and Black Lives Matter: Latinx Talk Mini-Reader #1 (Amador and Delgadillo, 2021) (CC BY-NC-ND)
CHS 101 – Introduction to Chicana/o Studies
- New Directions in Chicanx and Latinx Studies (ASCCC OERI, González, Espinoza-Kulick, Moreno, Arévalo, and Alvarez) (CC BY-NC)
- New Directions in Chicanx and Latinx Studies Workbook (ASCCC OERI, Espinoza-Kulick, Arévalo, and González)
- Latinx Voices Vol. 1. Fall 2024 (Saddleback College) (Not openly licensed)
Introduction to African American Studies
- Introduction to African American Studies: An Anthology of Essays on Radical Black Thought, Intellect, and Culture (Jimenez, Mahnzili, Monroy, Phillips, and Wilkins, ASCCC OERI) (CC BY-NC)
- Slavery to Liberation: The African American Experience (Joshua Farrington et al., 2019)
- African American History (Lumen) in LibreTexts (Licenses vary.)
Introduction to Native American Studies
- Cree: Language of the Plains / nēhiyawēwin: paskwāwi-pīkiskwēwin (Jean L. Okimāsis, 2018) – BC Open Collection by BC Campus (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Pulling Together: A Guide for Researchers, Hiłḵ̓ala (Biin, Canada, Chenoweth, and Neel, 2021) (CC BY-NC)
- Cree Dictionary of Mathematical Terms with Visual Examples (Sardarli and Swan, 2022) (CC BY)
- ECHO: Ethnographic, Cultural and Historical Overview of Yukon’s First Peoples (Castillo, Schreyer, and Southwick, 2020) (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Exploring Indigenous Foods and Food Sovereignty (Jonathan, Maracle, and Wild, 2020) (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Global Femicide: Indigenous Women and Girls Torn from Our Midst, 2nd Edition (Anderson et al., 2021) (CC BY-NC)
- Healing and Reconciliation Through Education (Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre, 2019) (CC BY-SA)
- Nanihtsulyaz’ int’en (Do things gently) ʔes zuminstwáx kt (We take care of one another): The Role of Indigenous Elders in Student Mental Health and Wellness in the BC. Post-Secondary Education Environment (Devine et al., 2022)
- Indigenous Information Literacy (Chong et al., 2022) (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Indigenous Teaching Resources: Students Collection (Bouvier et al., 2022) (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Shingwauk Narratives: Sharing Residential School History (Lemay, Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre) (CC BY-NC)
Introduction to Asian American Studies
This page last updated October 24, 2024.