OER and the Communication Studies Transfer Model Curriculum

The following provides examples of existing OER that can be used for the indicated courses. Please find all potential OER identified for the discipline at Open Educational Resources and Communication Studies and available OER for all disciplines at OER by Discipline. Please note that the structure presented here aligns with the Communication Studies TMC.

Required Core

Public Speaking (C-ID COMM 110)

Interpersonal Communication (C-ID COMM 130)

List A – Select two of the following:

Argumentation/Argumentation and Debate (C-ID COMM 120)

Small Group Communication (C-ID COMM 140)

Forensics (Speech and Debate) (C-ID COMM 160B)

Intercultural Communication (COMM 150)

Introduction to Communication Theory (C-ID COMM 180)

Introduction to Mass Communication or Communication and New Media (C-ID JOUR 100)

Oral Interpretation of Literature (C-ID COMM 170)

    No resources identified.

Introduction to Persuasion (C-ID COMM 190)

Any course articulated as lower division preparation in the Communication, Communication Studies major at a CSU.

No resources identified.

List B – Select two of the following:

Any List A course not used above, any course that has articulation as lower division major preparation for the communication studies major at a CSU.

Survey of Human Communication (C-ID COMM 115)

Intro to Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 120)

Introduction to Psychology (C-ID PSY 110)

Introduction to Sociology (C-ID SOCI 110)

Introduction to Literature (C-ID ENGL 120) or Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking (C-ID ENGL 105)

Introduction to Literature

Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking

Introduction to Reporting and Newswriting or Introduction to Journalism (JOUR 110)

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