Open Educational Resources and English

This collection was curated by an ASCCC OERI discipline lead. The curated list provided here is intended to facilitate faculty selection of an OER text in lieu of a commercial text. If you are aware of additional resources that should be included, please contact us via our general OER e-mail. Resources with a C-ID designation are listed numerically by C-ID number and followed by a collection of OER by course title when there is no C-ID to reference. Books and resources are alphabetized within their sections.

If you are interested in seeing how available OER might be used to develop an English associate degree for transfer that is a zero textbook cost (“ZTC”) degree, please see OER and the English TMC.

Webinars and General Resources

Join the English OER Google group

Grammar and Style Guides

Readings and Anthologies

Articles on English OER and Open Pedagogy

OER for English and C-ID Descriptors

The following collection contains resources that range from textbooks to ancillary materials. Not all resources listed are openly licensed, please be sure to check the licensing. Contact us for any questions.

Resources for College Composition (C-ID ENGL 100)

Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking (C-ID ENGL 105)

Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking Through Literature (C-ID ENGL 110)

Introduction to Literature (C-ID ENGL 120)

Survey of American Literature 1 (C-ID ENGL 130)

Survey of American Literature 2 (C-ID ENGL 135)

Survey of World Literature 1 (C-ID ENGL 140)

Survey of World Literature 2 (C-ID ENGL 145)

Survey of Literature in English 1 (C-ID ENGL 150)

Survey of Literature in English 2 (C-ID ENGL 152)

Survey of Literature in English 3 (C-ID ENGL 155)

Survey of British Literature 1 (C-ID ENGL 160)

Survey of British Literature 2 (C-ID ENGL 165)

Children’s Literature (C-ID ENGL 180)

Introduction to Creative Writing (C-ID ENGL 200)

Using an OER resource that is missing from the list above? If so, please let us know.

This page was last updated on January 9, 2025.