This collection was curated by an ASCCC OERI discipline lead. A comprehensive list of current discipline leads is available.
This page is currently under development.
Archived Geology Webinars
Physical Geology (C-ID GEOL 100)
- An Introduction to Geology (Johnson, Affolter, Inkenbrandt, and Mosher, 2019)
An Introduction to Geology (Johnson, et al., 2019) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
A wide-ranging and thorough Physical Geology Textbook. It includes a multitude of images and linked videos. Short comprehension-check quizzes are included. This text addresses topics to a slightly higher degree of complexity than some other textbooks. Example field sites are from domestic and international locations, but the focus is on the American Southwest. - Physical Geology – 2e (Earle, 2019) (CC BY)
Physical Geology – 2e (Earle, 2019) – LibreTexts (CC BY 4.0)
A comprehensive Physical Geology textbook created in British Columbia. The chapters are well-organized and include helpful comprehension-check questions. The authors have created many useful diagrams and imported others. Many original photographs and case studies from the Pacific Northwest are included. This text is less exhaustive than others but is well-focused and sufficient for introductory Physical Geology. - The Dynamic Earth (Kious and Tilling, 2022) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- Introduction to Physical Geology (Staff, Miracosta College)
The content is all “open source” material – derived or modified from available on federal, state, and local government websites and publications. Much of the content (text, graphics, and photographs) is donated from, a website dedicated to supporting public earth science education.
A web-based, comprehensive physical geology textbook with many images. This textbook is created by California Community College faculty and is aligned with C-ID topics and course objectives. Quizzes are included at the end of each chapter. - Fundamentals of Geology (Schulte) (CC BY 4.0)
This courseware includes resources copyrighted and openly licensed by multiple individuals and organizations. Click the words “Licenses and Attributions” at the bottom of each page for copyright and licensing information specific to the material on that page.
This textbook covers most of the content required for Physical Geology. Topics receive a relatively lighter treatment compared to other textbooks. The textbook can be downloaded as a Canvas course that will include assignments and question banks. - Physical Geology (Panchuk, 2021) – First University of Saskatchewan Edition (CC BY)
Physical Geology Laboratory (C-ID GEOL 100L)
- Phyiscal Geology Laboratory (Johnson) (CC BY-SA)
- GEOS: A Physical Geology Lab Manual for California Community Colleges (Branciforte and Haddad, 2021) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology (Deline, Harris, and Tefend, 2019) (CC BY-NC-SA)
Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology (Deline et al., 2019) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
This useful resource is a complete Physical Geology lab manual created by instructors at University of West Georgia. The manual includes a significant amount of helpful instructional material along with many thoughtful lab activities. A California Community College Instructor might face some obstacles: in some cases the text needs edits; in many cases the examples are very specific to the southeastern US; in other cases the activities rely on specific maps or other lab materials that are not included. Still, there is a lot of useful stuff in here.
Historical Geology (C-ID GEOL 110)
- Historical Geology: A free online textbook for Historical Geology Courses (Affolter et al., 2020) (CC BY-NC 4.0)
This useful resource covers many, or perhaps all, of the topics an instructor might cover in a Historical Geology Lecture Class. It doesn’t read like a typical textbook. Instead, it provides an excellent selection of modular chapters and other resources. The “Other Resources” are especially helpful. They include case studies, lab skills activities, virtual field experiences, and virtual sample sets.
Historical Geology Laboratory (C-ID GEOL 110L)
- The Story of Earth: An Observational Guide 2e (Hauptvogel and Sisson) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
A well-organized laboratory manual with many interesting activities for students to learn from. The activities correlate strongly with the C-ID description of Historical Geology Laboratory, so they should meet most college’s SLO’s. In some cases, the activities require the instructor to provide samples (e.g. sedimentary structures and fossils). In some cases, it will be necessary to view the activities in color, either by printing in color or by viewing on a device.
Earth Science (C-ID GEOL 120)
- Introduction to Earth Science (C-ID: GEOL 121) (Coalinga College) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- The Physical Environment: An OER Geography Textbook (Ritter, 2020) (CC BY-SA)
The Physical Environment: An OER Geography Textbook (Ritter, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA 4.0)
This textbook includes text, images, videos, and quizzes to support all the content and nearly all of the objectives outlined in the C-ID Descriptor for physical geography. An instructor using this textbook would most likely have to provide additional supplementary materials related to earth history and might have to provide some additional astronomy materials.
Earth Science Laboratory (C-ID GEOL 120L)
- Physical Geography Lab Manual (Ray et al., 2020) (CC BY-NC 4.0) – LibreTexts
Physical Geography Lab Manual (Ray et al., 2020) (CC BY-NC 4.0) – Google Docs
Manual for Physical Geography, Lab Course – Canvas Commons
Manual for Physical Geography, Lab Course – Word DocThis peer-reviewed lab manual includes twenty lab exercises designed for California community college students.
Environmental Geology (C-ID GEOL 130)
- Environmental Geology (Earle, 2021) -Thompson Rivers University, British Columbia (CC BY-NC-SA)
Environmental Geology – LibreTexts (Earle, 2021)
This clearly organized and presented textbook features many informative diagrams and photographs and includes chapter review questions. It covers most of the C-ID required topics for Environmental Geology. The topics not included in the book, such as formation of the Earth, are easily found in other OER resources. Overall, this book could be used as a nearly stand-alone resource for California Community College Environmental Geology course.
Environmental Geology Laboratory (C-ID GEOL 130L)
- No resources identified.
Geology of California (C-ID GEOL 200)
- Earth @Home: Earth Science of the Western United States (Hermsen and Hendricks, 2022) (CC BY-NC-SA)
Although not a comprehensive textbook, this resource provides a significant amount of material that could be very helpful in a California Geology course. The resource includes sections on the rocks, fossils, topography, energy, and mineral resources present in various physiographic regions and also includes virtual field experiences and virtual labs.
Mineralogy (C-ID GEOL 280)
- Mineralogy (Perkins, Dexter, 2022) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
This textbook includes text, photographs, videos, diagrams, and tables that support virtually all of the content and objectives listed in the C-ID course content and objectives. The text is particularly well-provisioned with photographs. The text does not include the lab activities listed in the C-ID descriptor. An instructor would have to supplement these.
Additional Resources
The following are free and publicly available online resources. With the exception of On the Cutting Edge – Strong Undergraduate Teaching (National Association of Geoscience Teaching), these resources do not appear to be openly licensed. They are being shared here because they are widely used and well-reviewed by instructors and students:
- Introduction to Climate Science – LibreTexts (Schmittner, 2021) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Mineral and Rock ID: A Practical Online Study Guide (Brande, Scott, 2019)
- Webgeology (Kullerud, Kare)
- IRIS Earthquake Science Consortium
- Educational Multimedia Visualization Center (2022)
- On the Cutting Edge – Strong Undergraduate Teaching (National Association of Geoscience Teaching)
We encourage the reuse and dissemination of the material on this site for noncommercial purposes (like education) as long as attribution is retained. To this end the material on this site, unless otherwise noted, is offered under a Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0. - Petrology: An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks and Processes (Dexter Perkins, 2022) – Open Geology (CC BY-NC-SA)
This textbook is clearly written and contains useful photographs of hand samples and outcroppings. It takes a “deep dive” into petrology, so it contains a significant amount of information that is outside of the scope of most community college geology courses. However, certain chapters, especially introductory chapters, could be very useful in a California Community College course. - Earth Science Field Trips in Southern California (Tor Lacy, 2023) (CC BY-NC)
A detailed guide to popular Southern California Field Sites created by a CCC professor. - The Environment of the Earth’s Surface (Southard) (CC BY-NC-SA)
This textbook is easy to read, well organized, and provides information that is both technically robust and practical. It provides a thorough treatment of surficial processes. However, it can not be recommended for any specific courses because it omits many important topics, including plate tectonics.
The licensing is stated as: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0: 80.6% (87 pages) Undeclared: 14.8% (16 pages) CC BY-NC-SA 1.3: 4.6% (5 pages)
Using an OER resource that is missing from the list above? If so, please let us know.
This page last updated October 15, 2024.