Open Educational Resources and the Art History Transfer Model Curriculum

Indicated resources are samples. Find a complete curated collection at Open Educational Resources and Art/Art History and available OER for all disciplines at OER by Discipline. Please note that the structure presented here aligns with the Art History TMC; local Associate Degrees for Transfer will be different as the TMC introduces flexibility from List A and beyond.

If any errors are detected or potential resources that fit certain courses, please contact the ASCCC-OERI.

Core Courses

Survey of Western Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages (C-ID ARTH 110)

Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary (C-ID ARTH 120)

Fundamentals of Drawing (Drawing I) (C-ID ARTS 110)

  • No resources identified.

List A – Select one from the following:

Survey of Asian Art (C-ID ARTH 130)

Art of Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North Americas (C-ID ARTH 140)

Art of the Ancient Americas (C-ID ARTH 145)

    No resources identified.

Any CSU transferable art history course

  • No resources identified.

List B – Select one from the following:

Any studio arts course that transfers as CSU GE or as major preparation for the studio arts major or similar at the CSU.

2-D Foundations (C-ID ARTS 100)

  • No resources identified.

3-D Foundations (C-ID ARTS 101)

  • No resources identified.

Figure Drawing (C-ID ARTS 200)

  • No resources identified.

Introduction to Digital Art (C-ID ARTS 250)

  • No resources identified.

Introduction to Ceramics (C-ID ARTS 230)

  • No resources identified.

Introduction to Photography (C-ID ARTS 260)

  • No resources identified.

Sculpture (C-ID ARTS 240)

  • No resources identified.

List C – Select one from the following:

Any course from List A or List B not already used.

  • See above.

Any CSU transferable Art History course (EXCEPT ARTH 100, Art Appreciation)

  • No resources identified.

Any Art or Humanities course articulated as CSU GE Area C1

  • No resources identified.

Any course articulated as CSU GE Area C2 in: A Language other than English (except ASL); Art, History, Humanities; Philosophy; Religion/Religious Studies; or The History of Costume;

Sample courses with available OER listed below

HIST 130 – US History to 1877

HIST 140 – US History from 1865

HIST 150 – World History to 1500

HIST 160 – World History since 1500

HIST 170 – Western Civilization I

PHIL 100 – Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 110 – Introduction to Logic

PHIL 120 – Introduction to Ethics

PHIL 130 – History of Ancient Philosophy

PHIL 140 – History of Modern Philosophy

SPAN 100 – Elementary Spanish I

Any course articulated as CSU GE Area D1, D3, D4, or D6

Sample courses with available OER listed below

ANTH 110 – Introduction to Biological Anthropology

ANTH 120 – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 150 – Introduction to Archaeology

CDEV 100 – Child, Growth and Development

CDEV 110 – Child, Family and Community

ECON 201 – Principles of Microeconomics

ECON 202 – Principles of Macroeconomics

GEOG 120 – Introduction to Human Geography

GEOG 125 – World Regional Geography

HIST 130 – US History to 1877

HIST 140 – US History to 1500

HIST 150 – World History to 1500

HIST 160 – World History since 1500

POLS 110 – Introduction to American Government and Politics

POLS 120 – Introduction to Political Theory and Thought

POLS 140 – Introduction to International Relations

PSY 110 – Introduction to Psychology

PSY 120 – Introduction to Abnormal Psychology

PSY 180 – Introduction to Lifespan Psychology

PSY 200/PSY 205B – Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology

SOCI 110 – Introduction to Sociology

SOCI 115 – Social Problems

SOCI 130 – Introduction to marriage and Family

SOCI 140 – Introduction to Gender

SOCI 150 – Introduction to Race and Ethnicity

SOCI 160 – Introduction to Crime

One needs to look through all the resources here. There is sufficient material to create a text, but an instructor would need to organize it to suit their needs.

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