The following provides examples of existing OER that can be used for the indicated courses. Please find all potential OER identified for the discipline at Open Educational Resources and Chemistry and available OER for all disciplines at OER by Discipline. Please note that the structure presented here aligns with the Chemistry TMC.
“Core” Courses:
General Chemistry for Science Majors Sequence A (C-ID CHEM 120S)
OER Textbooks for Chemistry 120S
- OpenStax Chemistry (Flowers et al.; 2019) (CC BY)
- OpenStax Chemistry 2e Atoms First (Flowers, et al.; 2019) (CC BY)
- General Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach (Halpern, 2016) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- General Chemistry: Principles, Patterns, and Applications (Averill and Eldredge, 2011) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
Additional OER for Chemistry 120S
- Chemistry 11 Lab Manual (Santa Monica College; 2021) ; Chemistry 11 Lab Manual (Santa Monica College; 2021) in LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- Chemistry 12 Lab Manual (Santa Monica College; 2021) ; Chemistry 12 Lab Manual (Santa Monica College; 2021) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- Structure and Reactivity in Organic, Biological, and Inorganic Chemistry (Schaller, 2019) ; Structure and Reactivity in Organic, Biological, and Inorganic Chemistry (Schaller, 2019) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- CLUE: Chemistry, Life, the Universe, and Everything (Cooper and Klymkowsky, 2019); CLUE: Chemistry, Life, the Universe, and Everything (Cooper and Klymkowsky, 2019) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
- General Chemistry Supplement (Eames, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Concept Development in Chemistry (Hutchinson, 2013); Concept Development in Chemistry (Hutchinson, 2013) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- General Chemistry 2 Open and Free Course (Open Learning Initiative); (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Selected ChemCollective virtual lab activities, tutorials, and scenario-based activities; Selected ChemCollective virtual lab activities, tutorials, and scenario-based activities – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Selected PhET interactive simulations (University of Colorado – Boulder); Selected PhET interactive simulations (University of Colorado – Boulder) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Selected activities from Virtual Inorganic Pedagogical Electronic Resources (VIPER) Specific license varies by activity.
Free Copyright-protected Resources for Chemistry 120S
Organic Chemistry for Science Majors Sequence A (C-ID CHEM 160S)
OER Textbooks for Chemistry 160S
- Organic Chemistry: A Tenth Edition (McMurry, 2023) – OpenStax (CC BY-NC-SA)
- LibreTexts Organic Chemistry (Morsch et al.) (LibreTexts, 2022) (CC BY-SA)
Additional OER for Chemistry 160S
- Structure and Reactivity in Organic, Biological, and Inorganic Chemistry(Schaller, C.; 2019); Structure and Reactivity in Organic, Biological and Inorganic Chemistry in Chemistry LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-3.0)
- Organic Chemistry Lab Techniques (Nichols, 2017); Organic Chemistry Lab Techniques (Nichols, 2017) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-ND)
- O-CLUE: Organic Chemistry, Life, the Universe, and Everything (Cooper and Klymkowsky, 2019) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- How to be a Successful Organic Chemist (Sandtorv, 2018); How to be a Successful Organic Chemist (Sandtorv, 2018) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC 4.0)
- OpenOChem Cloud Homework System (LeBlond, Muzyka, Bocholtz, Greeves, 2020) (CC0 – Public Domain)
- LibreTexts Organic Chemistry (LibreTexts, 2022) (CC BY-SA)
- Spectral Database for Organic Compounds (National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology, 1999-current) The copyright is owned by the National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology, which provides free access of chemical spectra to the community and maintains the spectral database.
Calculus-Based Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A and B (C-ID PHYS 205 and C-ID PHYS 210)
- Classical Mechanics (Tom Weideman) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- Electricity and Magnetism (Tom Weideman) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA)
- University Physics Volume 1 (OpenStax, 2020) (CC BY 4.0)
- University Physics Volume 2 (OpenStax, 2020) (CC BY 4.0)
- Classical Mechanics with Numerical Methods (Budarz)
- Mechanics (Crowell, 2019) (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Calculus-Based Physics I (Schnick) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- University Physics I – Classical Mechanics (Gea-Banacloche) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Introductory Physics – Building Models to Describe Our World (Martin et al.) (CC BY-SA)
- Fields and Circuits (Crowell, 2020) (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Calculus-Based Physics II (Schnick) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Calculus Sequence
Single Variable Calculus Sequence (C-ID MATH 900S) or Single Variable Calculus I (Early Transcendentals C-ID MATH 210 or Late Transcendentals C-ID MATH 211) and Single Variable Calculus II (Early Transcendentals C-ID MATH 220 or Late Transcendentals C-ID MATH 221)
Single Variable Calculus Sequence
- No resources identified.
Single Variable Calculus I
- Contemporary Calculus I (Hoffman) (CC BY)
- Community Calculus (Guichard) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- APEX Calculus 1 (Hartman) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Active Calculus (Boelkins et al., 2017) (CC BY-SA)
- Calculus Vol 1 (Strang, Herman) – OpenStax (CC BY-NC-SA)
Single Variable Calculus II
- Contemporary Calculus I (Hoffman) (CC BY)
- Community Calculus (Guichard) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- APEX Calculus 1 (Hartman) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Active Calculus (Boelkins et al., 2017) (CC BY-SA)
- Calculus Vol 1 (Strang, Herman) – OpenStax (CC BY-NC-SA)
This page last updated on December 8th, 2022.