Updated 3-9-21.
How do you determine which colleges offer the course you are developing a resource for? And how do you calculate the potential savings associated with your resource? In this webinar we will explore strategies for both.
What the RFP Asks For – D. Award Criteria
Please provide information on each of the following. All of the following elements of the application permit a narrative response. Responses should be concise. If an element does not apply to your proposal, please indicate “NA.”
Statewide impact as assessed by the number of courses and colleges potentially impacted.
Estimate the number of courses and colleges who would potentially adopt your product. (narrative)
Potential for student savings.
List the cost of existing resources which your product would replace. List any other savings your proposal would create for students. (narrative)
Impact of the project on OER, such as the development of high quality resources in areas for which no other OER are currently available.
Provide a brief assessment of the existing OER, if any, in the discipline of your proposal and assert how your product would meet this criterion. (narrative)
- Projects must support a specific course or courses.
- Projects must create a potential for student savings. Resources that are beneficial, but don’t have a clear potential for impacting the cost of course resources for students will be less competitive.
- Proposed resources must fill an unmet need.
Sources of Course Data
- C-ID
a. Descriptor data – “CCC” = CCC only; development and review does not involve other systems. Usually CTE.
b. College course data
c. TMCs - “COCI 2.0” – the “Curriculum Inventory”
a. “Sign-in” not required.
b. Taxonomy of Programs code (“T.O.P.s” code) needed
c. Course and program data - DataMart – Course section data.
- ASSIST – articulation data
- ASCCC OERI Supported Resources
- ASCCC OERI Resource Collections
- Cool4Ed
Sample Searches
Proposal is intended to focus on “Introduction to Arabic“. Can a case be made to demonstrate that such a resource would have a statewide impact? What questions would you need to ask?