*While the requirement to make no-cost sections is often referred to as SB 1359, the legislation that establishes this requirement can be found in California Education Code 66406.9.
2018 Fall SB 1359 Implementation Survey
2018 Fall SB 1359 Survey Questions
2019 Fall SB 1359 Implementation Survey
2019 Fall SB 1359 Survey Questions
Related ASCCC Resolutions
In Fall 2017, Resolution 13.01 (Recognition of Course Sections with Low-Cost Course Material Options) recognized that “efforts to substantially decrease the costs of course materials should be recognized and, in some instances, reducing costs to zero may not be immediately possible” and recommended the local implementation of markers for low-cost course sections. Further work related to this resolution is anticipated. As implementation of the legislated no-cost designation has not been fully achieved, providing guidance and encouragement regarding a low-cost designation has not been actively pursued.
In Spring 2019, Resolution 13.01 (Develop Recommendations for the Implementation of a No-Cost Designation in Course Schedules) recognized the diverse approaches to California Education Code 6640‘s implementation [“Whereas, Determinations of what course sections qualify for a no-cost identifier as required by SB 1359 (Block, 2016) are subject to interpretation, with some colleges opting to interpret the legislation very strictly and others opting to highlight all courses with no associated costs”] and called for guidance to be provided by ASCCC by Spring 2020. Due to ASCCC’s Spring 2020 Plenary not being held as scheduled, further guidance was delayed until Fall 2020 (see below).
In Fall 2019, Resolution 09.05 (Provide Guidance with Respect to Ensuring Student Access to No-Cost Resources) emphasized the importance of ensuring that “that accurate information regarding no-cost resources and low-cost print versions of such resources are equally available as resources available for purchase from a vendor” and called on the ASCCC to “provide guidance to colleges with respect to making digital resources available in digital and print formats.”
In Fall 2020, Recommendations for the Implementation of a Zero Textbook Cost* (ZTC) Designation in Course Schedules (Resolution 09.01) offered recommendations to colleges with respect to the implementation of the no cost designation. This resolution called upon the ASCCC to:
- recommend that the no-cost designation be used to recognize those sections that use digital resources, as consistent with SB 1359 (Block, 2016), and those sections that require a text yet are “no- cost” due to something other than a digital alternative;
- encourage local academic senates to interpret the SB 1359 (Block, 2016) requirements as in alignment with those established by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office for courses that are zero textbook cost (ZTC);
- recommend integration of identification of a course section as being no-cost into the existing textbook selection process; and
- provide additional guidance and resources related to SB 1359 (Block, 2016) no later than the Fall 2021 Plenary.
In Spring 2021, Advocate for Development of a ZTC Data Element (Resolution 11.02) was adopted. Most notably, it supports the establishment of a course section data element that, at a minimum, differentiates between sections requiring purchase of a textbook or other instructional materials including those requiring purchase of an access code and all instances when a printed resource is required and not provided, those sections that are zero textbook cost (ZTC) due to the use of no-cost open educational resources, those that are ZTC but the resources have a cost that is not passed on to students, those that use no textbook, and those that are low-cost as defined locally.