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Intermediate Spanish I (C-ID SPAN 200) or Spanish for Heritage Speakers I (C-ID SPAN 220)
Intermediate Spanish II (C-ID SPAN 210) or Spanish for Heritage Speakers II (C-ID SPAN 230)
- ¡Que viva la música! Repaso de conversación (Corrales-Martín, 2021, North Board Press Temple UP) (CC BY-NC 4.0)
It is an open textbook intended for conversation review, typically a fourth-semester Spanish class. The textbook is organized around nine different songs that provide students opportunities to practice, aurally and orally, as well as in writing, the main communicative goals and key grammatical structures learned in previous classes. It can also be used in similar high school classes.
- Acceso (Rossomondo, 2020) (CC BY-NC 4.0)
This is a complete interactive online curriculum for intermediate-level learners of second-year Spanish developed at the University of Kansas. Acceso is made up of eight units, beginning with the United States and then tracing the diachronic route of the Spanish language from Spain through the Americas, ending in the Southern Cone. There is also a Vocabulario section, an online glossary, and additional Gramática section with grammar explanations.
- Entrada Libre: Intermediate/Advanced Spanish Manual (Ballesteros et al., 2020) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Entrada libre is an intermediate/advanced college-level Spanish OER grammar manual for second language learners and heritage speakers of Spanish at the community college level. Instructors will be able to download the entire manual as well as the Entrada Libre H5P activities library or use the OER Remixer from LibreTexts to adapt, edit, and customize content and publish it in their course management system. Each of the 24 units includes a reading with examples of the grammar points used in context, grammar explanation, and self-graded follow-up activities for practice using H5P as a formative assessment. Entrada libre can be used with Acceso, an existing open-access project created by the University of Kansas which contains great cultural readings and resources for intermediate and advanced levels.
- Español y cultura en perspectiva (Balasch et al.) (Licenses vary)
- Instructor Guide: Tarea Libre 2 (ASCCC OERI, Moon, Lee, Harmon, and Díaz-Rodil) (CC BY)
The Tarea Libre 2 project is a comprehensive and accessible OER question bank consisting of 800 interactive activities created in LibreTexts ADAPT for intermediate and advanced Spanish courses. This resource includes a variety of formative and summative assessments that address diverse skills. Each module offers multiple levels of engagement, enabling instructors to create tailored homework assignments for varying skill levels. Students can practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills effectively through these activities.
- Manual de gramática básica y avanzada del español (Thomas and McAlister, 2020) (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Manual de gramática básica y avanzada del español (Thomas and McAlister, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC 4.0)
El objetivo principal del libro es resumir las reglas básicas de gramática que se aprenden en los primeros años del estudio formal del español, y luego ofrecer un análisis más avanzado de algunas áreas gramaticales en las que los hablantes de español intermedio/avanzado necesitan enfocarse en más detalle.
El libro está organizado en cuatro secciones: i) Las partes del discurso; ii) La oración simple; iii) El sistema de objetos; y iv) Las oraciones coordinadas y complejas. En las primeras tres secciones, cada capítulo está organizado en dos partes: Gramática básica y Gramática avanzada del tema indicado. En la parte de Gramática básica, se presenta la gramática del tema consistente con un currículo de los cursos introductorios e intermedios de español en un contexto académico (i.e. la universidad). En la parte de Gramática avanzada, se presenta una perspectiva más avanzada de la gramática de español, consistente con un curso de gramática avanzada en un programa académico de lengua. Access the Manual de gramática básica y avanzada del español resource site. - Manual de gramática y composición (Oechler, Gettysburg College, 2021) (CC BY-NC-SA)
Este libro está diseñado para estudiantes de nivel intermedio tirando a avanzando (entre B1 y C1, digamos). En él se provee información sobre la gramática del español (es decir, del castellano) e indicaciones para mejorar las destrezas relacionadas con la composición. Cuando sea posible, se proponen páginas adicionales con ejercicios interactivos para continuar el estudio de los temas presentados. Este libro es una combinación y adaptación, u OER remix, de varios textos abiertos con mis propias aportaciones.
- Mi idioma, mi comunidad: español para bilingües (Foulis and Alex) (CC BY-NC-ND)
This OER textbook for heritage language learners of Spanish centers on students’ experiences with language, identity, and belonging in the Midwest through real-world applications. H5P activities are embedded in the lessons. It uses a project-based approach that outlines how students engage in real-life applications by exploring culturally relevant topics in language use, arts, festivals, food, ethnography, oral history, digital lives, and the university. Through multimedia such as podcasts, videos, neighborhood maps, and music, promote interactive exploration of culturally relevant content while supporting students’ language maintenance and growth.
- Palabras propias: La historia cultural del mundo hispanohablante a través de textos primarios.
Authors: Andrés Rabinovich, Ginett Pineda, Lina Muñoz, Mirla González, Oscar Cardoner Sebio y Sean Gullickson. University of Kansas. (CC BY-NC) It contains 15 modules on topics ranging from Alfonso el Sabio to Diego Maradona. The goal of this project is to provide high-quality, accessible primary sources to those teaching and studying the histories and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world and the indigenous peoples of Latin America. Our modules cover a wide range of topics, but all consist of the same essential parts:
- A brief introduction that provides socio-historical context for the primary document.
- The text itself, often glossed for improved comprehension by non-native speakers of Spanish.
- A set of activities that range from comprehension to analysis, from using new vocabulary to answering creative writing and essay prompts.
- Pluma (Hernández, 2021) (CC BY NC SA)
PLUMA is a narrative-based language learning program for the first three levels of college Spanish. This program is organically aligned with ACTFL, featuring Can-Do Statements as an organizing principle. It is grounded in narrative-based teaching and learning that evolves from people’s lived experiences and fragments of the history and culture of their countries of origin. Storytelling serves as a model for learners to tell their own stories; it promotes the exploration of deep culture; it provides a space within which to frame and understand one’s own attitudes and perceptions; and finally, it cultivates intercultural communication. This program follows a carefully scaffolded sequence of targeted comprehensible input and includes formative and summative learning activities and assessments of learning.PLUMA embraces diversified content along with pedagogical practices that guide and assess learners in a non-punitive way as they develop communicative proficiency. Learning is meant to mimic the way we learned our first languages, through recursive loops of contextualized input and feedback, but accelerated because of the life experiences and points of reference we already have.
Volume 1, issues 1-5, prepares learners to communicate in Spanish at the Novice-high level (ACTFL)
Volume 2, issues 1-5, prepares learners to communicate in Spanish at the Intermediate-low level.
Volume 3, issues 1-5, prepares learners to communicate in Spanish at the Intermediate-mid level. - Problem-Based Units for Advanced Students of Spanish (Thompson) (CC BY-NC)
A set of four problem-based learning (PBL) units presenting students with compelling, real-world problems to solve collaboratively in small groups. The purpose of these PBL units is to provide advanced students of Spanish (generally 3rd and 4th-year college students) a series of problems from Spanish culture and society. Each unit introduces a problem that students must solve collaboratively in small teams according to a process. The units are: 1. ¿Mezquita o Catedral?, 2. ¿Arte o tortura?, 3. ¿Protección o racismo?, and 4. ¿Independencia o sedición?
- Redes 2. Curso de español intermedio (Warnock, Portland State University) (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Redes 2. Curso de español intermedio – LibreTexts (Warnock, Portland State University) (CC BY-NC 4.0)
It contains 6 modules each with grammar lessons, explanations, H5P activities, and additional activities in Google docs.- Módulo Uno: identidades y relaciones humanas
- Módulo Dos: Dale sabor a la vida
- Módulo Tres: Nuestro entorno
- Módulo Cuatro: Un mundo sin fronteras
- Módulo Cinco: Vivir a toda prisa
- Módulo Seis: La salud y el bienestar
- Spanish 1050 Intermediate Spanish (Fountain and Deifell) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
This is an online textbook with 5 units:
- Unidad 1: La comunidad hispana en los Estados Unidos: imágenes y estereotipos
- Unidad 2: Tradiciones e historias: música, fiestas y leyendas hispanas
- Unidad 3: El arte y el cine en España y América Latina
- Unidad 4: España y América Latina en el mundo actual
- Unidad 5: Selecciones literarias

Using an OER resource that is missing from the list above? If so, please let us know.
This page last updated on December 2, 2024.