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- Aprende Español con Libretexts (Learn Spanish with Libretexts) (Saint Mary’s College) (license not indicated)
This resource includes a variety of resources on topics such: El “Boom” de la novela y el latinoamericanismo de los sesenta, “Otras” civilizaciones indígenas, América Latina: Un concepto difuso y en constante revisión, El pelo: control, discriminación y resistencia, La conquista en el imaginario latinoameriano actual, La época colonial en América Latina, and others.
- ProfeDeELE: Actividades y recursos para aprender y enseñar español.
Nuestro compromiso es publicar de manera libre y gratuita contenido de calidad, atractivo, práctico y fácilmente accesible. Es un compromiso difícil, pero no imposible. Nosotros creemos en él, pero para hacerlo posible necesitamos de tu colaboración. Incluye: canciones, cultura, exámenes, gramática, lecturas, podcast, unidades didácticas, vocabulario, videos separadas por niveles (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)
- Spanish in Texas Authors: Barbara E. Bullock and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio.
Educational resources for teachers and learned of Spanish in Texas. It includes links to videos of Spanish speakers from Texas.
- Spanish in Texas Corpus Authors: Barbara E. Bullock and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio.
This site includes interviews and conversations among speakers of diverse personal profiles and regional origins throughout Texas. Video files, audio files, full transcripts, and POS annotations are available for download.
- SpinTX Video Archive Authors: Barbara E. Bullock and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio.
This archive includes hundreds of short video clips from interviews of native and heritage speakers of Spanish living in Texas. Videos are captioned with transcripts with thematic, grammatical, functional, and metalinguistic information. All materials can be used freely, copied, and distributed under Creative Commons license.
- The Mixxer Author: Dickinson College
The Mixxer is an entirely free non-profit website hosted by Dickinson College. The site is open to anyone looking to practice with a native speaker in exchange for help with their own. Once registered, users can contact potential language exchange partners via live chat on the site. Members can practice speaking with the language partner via Skype or improve their writing by submitting a writing sample and asking for corrections from native speakers. Those using the writing function are asked to return the favor by correcting short samples in their native language. Our guidelines are very simple. Members are here to practice a language (this is an educational site, not a dating site), and everyone agrees to be respectful and courteous to all users at all times. Welcome to our community where everyone is both teacher and learner. - Let’s Chat! Spanish (Boise State University, 2022) (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0)
It features a collection of over 100 classroom-ready interpersonal speaking activities for novice and intermediate learners. Touching on a range of thematic topics such as free time activities, travel, daily routines, health, the environment, art and so much more, Spanish teachers are sure to find an activity to use in their courses. These activities may be used as is or can easily be revised and remixed to fit the unique needs of individual classrooms. All materials were created by faculty, staff, and students involved with the Pathways Project.

Using an OER resource that is missing from the list above? If so, please let us know.
This page last updated on March 29th, 2021.