ASCCC OERI Resource Showcase

Monday, March 2, 2020 – 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

WATCH ASCCC OERI Resource Showcase webinar recording

Since the ASCCC OER Initiative launched in January of 2019, we have established a structure to facilitate OER-related communication between the initiative and our 114 colleges. As we start our second year, we are identifying how best to facilitate communication among the colleges and continuing our efforts to identify and prioritize the system’s OER needs. Using the information gathered through these various interactions, we are planning to initiate targeted resource development in the future. This follows two rounds of funding in which we asked faculty to propose the development of OER that would meet the needs of their discipline. During this webinar, we will provide a brief overview of our funding process and showcase OER developed during our 2019 Summer/Fall funding cycle. In addition, we will share an overview of resources to be developed during 2020.