Fall 2021; Resolution Number 3.04
Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges supports efforts to increase student access to high-quality open educational resources and reduce the cost of course materials and supplies for students in course sections for which open educational resources may not be available to accomplish zero cost for students and encourages colleges to implement a mechanism for identifying course sections that employ low-cost course materials (Fall 2017, Resolution 13.01);
Whereas, Recognizing the need for an alternative to the legislated zero-cost designation (California Education Code §66406.9), some colleges and districts have implemented a low-cost designation with the definition of low-cost not being readily available or varying between less than $30.00 to less than $50.00;
Whereas, Efforts to mark course sections as zero-cost or low-cost should be informed by students’ perspectives since the designations are intended to inform students of the financial burden of a given course section; and
Whereas, Students may register for courses at more than one college, and various definitions of low-cost at different institutions can be confusing and even misleading for students;
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Student Senate for California Community Colleges and California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to identify a recommended definition of “low-cost” to be considered for adoption throughout the California Community College system.