The following provides examples of existing OER that can be used for the indicated courses. Indicated resources are samples. Find a complete curated collection at Open Educational Resources and Social Justice Studies. Please note that the structure presented here aligns with the Social Justice Studies TMC.
Are you using OER for any of these courses where no resources have been identified? If so, please let us know what OER you are using – this resource is under development and will be updated as new resources are identified.
Core Courses: 3 courses, 9 minimum units
1.) Introduction to Social Justice Studies (C-ID SJS 110) OR Introduction to Race and Ethnicity (C-ID SOCI 150)
Introduction to Social Justice Studies
- No resources identified.
Introduction to Race and Ethnicity
See full list with descriptions, comments, and licensing on the OER and Sociology page.
- Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (Ounjian, 2023) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Immigrant and Refugee Families (Ballard et al.) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)
- Minority Studies (Dunn) – LibreTexts (CC BY)
- Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.: An Intersectional Approach (2021) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Beyond Race: Cultural Influences on Human Social Life (Kennedy, 2018) (CC BY-NC-SA)
2.) Introduction to Women’s Studies (C-ID SJS 120) OR Introduction to LGBT Studies (C-ID SJS 130) OR Introduction to Gender (C-ID SOCI 140)
Introduction to Women’s Studies
See full list with descriptions, comments, and licensing on the OER and Social Justice Studies page.
- Gender and Sexualities: An Inquiry (Damron and Reitenauer, 2018) (CC BY-NC)
- Introduction to Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies (Kang, Lessard, & Heston, 2017) (CC BY 4.0)
Introduction to LGBT Studies
- Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach (Amory, Massey, Miller, and Brown) (CC BY)
- The American LGBTQ Rights Movement: an introduction- Morgan and Rodriguez (Humboldt State University Press) (CC BY-SA)
Introduction to Gender
The list below was obtained from Open Educational Resources and Sociology. Additional resources for this course may be available above under Introduction to Women’s Studies (C-ID SJS 120).
- Introduction to Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies (Kang, Lessard, & Heston, 2017) (CC BY 4.0)
- Global Women’s Issues: Women in the World Today, extended version (Bureau of International Information Programs, United States Department of State) (Public Domain)
- Introduction to Women’s Studies (College of the Canyons, 2017) (CC BY 4.0)
- Gendered Lives: Global Issues- Milne Open Textbooks (Fernandez and Nelson, 2021) (CC BY)
- The American LGBTQ Rights Movement: an introduction- Morgan and Rodriguez (Humboldt State University Press) (CC BY-SA)
3.) Any course listed above not already used or any course with articulation as major preparation for a major the TMC is intended to serve.
List A. Select 3 courses from at least two of the following areas: 9 units
All courses in Areas 1 – 3 must be social justice, gender/women, or ethnicity/race related as determined by the college.
- Area 1 – History or Government
- Area 2 – Arts and Humanities
- Area 3 – Social Science
- Area 4 – Quantitative Reasoning and Research Methods
Choose one of the following:
Introduction to Statistics (C-ID MATH 110)
See full list with descriptions, comments, and licensing on the OER and Mathematics page.
- Statistics for Social Justice Studies (Blustein, et al., ASCCC OERI) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- OpenIntro Statistics (Diez, Barr, and Cetinkaya-Rundel) (CC BY-SA)
- Statistics Using Technology (Kozak) (CC BY-SA) – Coconino Community College website
- Introductory Statistics (OpenStax) – LibreTexts (CC BY 4.0)
- Foundations in Statistical Reasoning (Kaslik) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA-NC)
Course Templates (Instructor account required)
- Introduction to Statistics (OpenStax) – MyOpenMath (CC BY 4.0)
- Statistics Using Technology (Kozak) – MyOpenMath (CC BY-SA)
Introduction to Statistics in Sociology (C-ID SOCI 125)
- Introductory Statistics (OpenStax) – LibreTexts (CC BY 4.0)
- Statistics for the Social Sciences (Pelz, Lumen Learning) (License varies)
Introduction to Political Science Research Methods (C-ID POLS 160)
See full list with descriptions, comments, and licensing on the OER and Political Science page.
Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology (C-ID PSY 200)
See full list with descriptions, comments, and licensing on the OER and Psychology page.
- Research Methods in Psychology (Dudley, 2024) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Research Methods in Psychology (Jhangiani, Chiang, Cuttler, and Leighton, 2019) – LibreTexts) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Research Methods for Psychology (T. L. Brink, 2018) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Psychology Research Methods and Statistics (Pearcey, Kirsner, Randall, Willard, Williamson, and Downtain, 2017) (CC BY 4.0)
Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology with Lab (C-ID PSY 205B)
List includes PSY 200
- Research Methods in Psychology (Dudley, 2024) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Research Methods in Psychology (Jhangiani, Chiang, Cuttler, and Leighton, 2019) – LibreTexts) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Research Methods for Psychology (T. L. Brink, 2018) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Psychology Research Methods and Statistics (Pearcey, Kirsner, Randall, Willard, Williamson, and Downtain, 2017) (CC BY 4.0)
Introduction to Research Methods (C-ID SOCI 120)
- An Introduction to Research Methods in Sociology (Sheppard, 2019) (CC BY-NC-SA)
- Research Methods for the Social Sciences (Pelz, Lumen Learning) (License varies)
- Social Science Research: Principles, Methods and Practices (Revised edition) (Bhattacherjee, 2019) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Sociology 102 Principles of Sociological Inquiry (College of the Canyons, 2017) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- SPSS for Windows, Version 23: A basic tutorial (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Area 5 – Major preparation
Courses with articulation as major preparation for a major the TMC is intended to serve.
This page last updated January 20, 2023.