13.06 Faculty Responsibility for Confirming Course Resource Accuracy

Spring 2022; Resolution Number 13.06

Whereas, Faculty have both the freedom to select the course materials they deem most appropriate and the responsibility to consider the cost burden as they do so (California Code of Regulations Title 5 §59404);

Whereas, Provisions of the Higher Education Opportunity Act that went into effect in July 2010 require each institution of higher education receiving federal financial assistance to “disclose, on the institution’s Internet course schedule and in a manner of the institution’s choosing, the International Standard Book Number and retail price information of required and recommended college textbooks and supplemental materials for each course listed in the institution’s course schedule”;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourages local academic senates to advocate for the implementation of a process for consistent, clear, and transparent messaging to students prior to registration regarding all material and supply costs in appropriate locations, including the schedule of classes and the bookstore (Resolution 20.02 F20); and

Whereas, Textbook information is commonly provided to students prior to and at the time of registration via a section-specific link to the bookstore, and the information may in some cases be inaccurate, misleading, or missing despite the best efforts of faculty to submit clear and accurate information in a timely manner;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local academic senates to work with local administration to ensure the online class schedule contains the clear and accurate textbook and class resource information submitted by the instructor, that their sections are properly noted with the zero-cost or low-cost icon if appropriate, and that accountability processes are established.