December 2nd, 2022 from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Register for LibreTexts Workshop at San Diego City College – December 2, 2022
In partnership with LibreTexts, the ASCCC OERI is pleased to announce the Fall 2022 regional LibreTexts Workshops. The workshops will showcase the ADAPT and LibreStudio platforms sponsored by the California Education Learning Lab as free homework assessment platforms for all California instructors and students. We will demonstrate how instructors can use ADAPT to augment existing and newly constructed OER textbooks with summative exercises and embed them in Canvas and LibreTexts textbooks. Discussions will demonstrate how the ADAPT homework system empowers faculty to build and use existing questions in multiple modalities: (1) formative vs. summative, (2) autograded vs. open-ended grading, and (3) embedded in Canvas or textbooks. Workshop participants will learn how to build autograded questions based on four technologies – H5P, WebWork, IMathAS, and native (QTI) – that can be used interchangeably to allow for maximal impact. We will introduce the LibreStudio platform for construction, storage and distribution of H5P assessments. Participants will be able to join LibreStudio to create and share H5P assessments, review the H5P of other authors, and build/join a community within Studio.