6.01 Support AB 607

Spring 2023; Resolution Number 6.01

Whereas, AB 607 (Kalra, as of February 17, 2023)[1] proposes to modify California Education Code §66406.9[2] by adding the requirement that the California Community Colleges “prominently display, by means that may include a link to a separate internet web page, the estimated costs for each course of all required course materials and fees directly related to those materials, for no less than 75 percent of the total number of courses on the online campus course schedule. ‘Course materials’ as used in this paragraph includes digital or physical textbooks, devices such as calculators and remote attendance platforms, and software subscriptions”;

Whereas, California Education Code §66406.9[3] currently uses the term “course materials” and “digital course materials” to refer to course resources that are exclusive of devices and supplies such as calculators;

Whereas, Resolution F20 20.02 Ensure Course Cost Transparency for Students encourages “local academic senates to advocate for the implementation of a process for consistent, clear, and transparent messaging to students prior to registration regarding all material and supply costs in appropriate locations including the schedule of classes and the bookstore”[4]; and

Whereas, California Code of Regulations Title 5 §59402[5] states that required instructional materials “means any materials which a student must procure or possess as a condition of registration, enrollment or entry into a class; or any such material which is necessary to achieve the required objectives of a course,” establishing “instructional materials” as inclusive of textbooks, supplemental materials, and course supplies;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support AB 607 (Kalra, as of February 17, 2023) if amended to replace “course materials” with “instructional materials” to ensure that definitions within California Education Code §66406.9[6] are consistent and to prevent the introduction of a definition into law that is inconsistent with a definition that is presently in regulation.

[1] AB 607 (Kalra): https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB607.

[2] California Education Code §66406.9: https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/education-code/edc-sect-66406-9.html.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Resolution F20 20.02 Ensure Course Cost Transparency for Students: https://www.asccc.org/resolutions/ensure-course-cost-transparency-students.

[5] California Code of Regulations, title 5 §59402: https://casetext.com/regulation/california-code-of-regulations/title-5-education/division-6-california-community-colleges/chapter-10-community-college-administration/subchapter-7-instructional-materials/section-59402-definitions.

[6] California Education Code §66406.9: https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/education-code/edc-sect-66406-9.html.