Accessed June 2021. This text is disseminated via the Open Education Resource (OER) LibreTexts Project ( and like the hundreds of other texts available within this powerful platform, it freely available for reading, printing and “consuming.” Most, but not all, pages in the library have licenses that may allow individuals to make changes, save, and print this book. …

Supplemental Materials: Physical Geography (Lenkeit-Meezan) – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC)Read More »

Resource by Adam Dastrup, Open Geography Education.  Accessed June 2021. The intent of this textbook is to update and build upon the body of knowledge that exists within the geographic discipline. Unless otherwise noted within each chapter of the textbook, this body of work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Created by Dr. Michael Pidwirny & Scott Jones University of British Columbia Okanagan. Accessed June 2021. contains six main components: Fundamentals (of Physical Geography) Online eBook, Understanding (Physical Geography) Online eBook, Learning Visualizations, Glossary of Terms, Internet Weblinks, and Search Site. The Fundamentals of Physical Geography (2nd Edition) online textbook contains over three hundred pages of information and more than four hundred 2-D illustrations, photographs, and animated …

Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd edition (2018)Read More »

Physical Geography – Version 1 PDF (CC BY). Accessed July 2021. The textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to many topics in the field of physical geography, but it is unbalanced in favor of geology/geomorphology. There is no unit focused on the hydrosphere. Instead, there are two units – Unit 16: Shaped by Coastal Processes, and Unit …

Physical Geography – Version 1 (Patrich and Radtke, 2020)Read More »

This textbook includes text, photographs, videos, diagrams, and tables that support virtually all of the content and objectives listed in the C-ID course content and objectives. The text is particularly well-provisioned with photographs. The text does not include the lab activities listed in the C-ID descriptor. An instructor would have to supplement these.

The Physical Environment: An OER Geography Textbook (Ritter, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA 4.0)This textbook includes text, images, videos, and quizzes to support all the content and nearly all of the objectives outlined in the C-ID Descriptor for physical geography. An instructor using this textbook would most likely have to provide additional supplementary materials related to …

The Physical Environment: An OER Geography Textbook (Ritter, 2020);Read More »

A well-organized laboratory manual with many interesting activities for students to learn from. The activities correlate strongly with the C-ID description of Historical Geology Laboratory, so they should meet most college’s SLO’s. In some cases, the activities require the instructor to provide samples (e.g. sedimentary structures and fossils). In some cases, it will be necessary …

The Story of Earth: An Observational Guide 2e (Hauptvogel and Sisson) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)Read More »

This useful resource covers many, or perhaps all, of the topics an instructor might cover in a Historical Geology Lecture Class. It doesn’t read like a typical textbook. Instead, it provides an excellent selection of modular chapters and other resources. The “Other Resources” are especially helpful. They include case studies, lab skills activities, virtual field …

Historical Geology: A free online textbook for Historical Geology Courses (Affolter et al., 2020) (CC BY-NC 4.0)Read More »