This book contains content on colonialism, regional variations in Latin America, revolution, and ethnic identity development.
Author: Amy Liao
This is a copyrighted, open access text. This comprehensive investigation into decolonization among Afro-Indigenous populations examines the lives and practices of healers as well as the medicinal benefits of these traditions.
A collection of essays that includes essential Latinx ideas, perspectives, and practices to promote environmental sustainability written by a variety of researchers, writers, and poets.
This is a copyrighted, open-access textbook. This open-access textbook explores multiple forms of media and unpacks the relationship between media and identity, history, and culture in the context of Latinx communities.
Thirteen Chicanx scholars draw upon their personal experiences and expertise to paint a vivid, colorful portrait of what it means to be Chicanx, including political experiences, bicultural education, and history. The book provides a detailed account and definition of the Chicano Movement in 1979.
Cree: Language of the Plains is a comprehensive educational resource, offering a broad range of learning materials that is easily accessible to Cree language learners. This collection includes an updated and redesigned Cree language textbook, Cree language audio labs, and a Cree language workbook.
The contents of this online book were created by Prof. Rick Bonus and his students as a final project for a course on “Critical Filipinx American Histories” in the Fall quarter of 2019 at the University of Washington, Seattle campus. In collaboration with the UW Libraries, the UW Burke Museum, and the UW Department of …
This resource is part of a learning series for public post-secondary staff to begin or supplement ways to Indigenize the institution and professional practice.
Provides Cree equivalents of 176 mathematics terms and their definitions in English. The visual examples mainly contain Indigenous elements. The Dictionary was reviewed by Elders, Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, and Cree-speaking educators.
ECHO is a handbook that provides the most current research pertaining to Yukon First Nations peoples. Topics include archaeology, ethnology, lifeways, relationships with newcomers (in the past and currently), the arts, and modern-day land claims. The volume also includes interviews with research collaborators who discuss the importance of community-based research.