For personal health courses that cover the typical topics of relationships, nutrition, diseases and disorders, emotional health, etc. Includes links for students to complete online learning activities.Comment: Very lacking in visual images. Not appropriate for public health courses.
Author: Amy Liao
14-chapter personal health textbook with typical chapters about physical and psychological health, relationships, substance abuse, nutrition, etc.Comment: Very similar to Kelly Falcone’s text Introduction to Health. She is given credit throughout the book for the use of that text. The Community Health title is misleading since this book is about personal health rather than public …
Personal and Community Health (Baldwin, 2021) (CC BY-SA)Read More »
Includes 17 topic modules that cover a broad range of personal and public health topics. Each topic has a Google Slides Presentation, Instructor Resources, Student Resources, Topic Study Guides, an In-Class Activity, Discussion Questions.Comment: You must request access through Google Drive.
A 10-chapter text covering female anatomy, nutrition and fitness, pregnancy, breast health and female cancers and more.Comment: It is lacking in visual images which would make it more engaging.
A seven chapter textbook especially designed for undergraduates, who are taking an introductory course in epidemiology.Comment: License renewed in 2022 and changed to CC BY-NC-SA
This textbook offers a basic outline of Western Civilization from the Renaissance to modern times.
This hybrid textbook and open course is a comprehensive set of teaching materials for Western Civilization I (until 1648). Files are compressed into .zip folder format by lesson here. You can also view the original open course through LibGuides at East Georgia State College. Topics covered include prehistory and ancient history by region, the Middle …
Western Civilization I (McKinney and Shapard) (CC BY-NC-SA)Read More »
Western Civilization: A Concise History Volume 1 (Brooks)Western Civilization: A Concise History Volume 2 (Brooks)Western Civilization: A Concise History Volume 3 (Brooks)Western Civilization: A Concise History (Brooks) in LibreTexts (Note – as of 1-23-21 the version in LibreTexts may be in need of updating.) (CC BY-NC-SA)Western Civilization: A Concise History is an Open Educational Resource textbook …
World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 (Berger et al.) in LibreTexts (CC BY-SA) World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of humankind from prehistory to 1500. Authored by six University System of Georgia faculty members with advance degrees in History, this textbook offers up-to-date original scholarship. It …
World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 (Berger et al.) (CC BY-SA)Read More »