Access: Explorations Powerpoints (Google Folder); Request access to the Explorations test bank Authors: Lara Braff, Beth Shook, Katie Nelson, Kelsie Aguilera License: CC BY-NC Descriptor: C-ID ANTH 110 (Introduction to Biological Anthropology) Test banks and lecture slide shows for the recently completed OER text “Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology.” 

Selected PhET interactive simulations (University of Colorado – Boulder) (CC BY) PhET simulations can be used to supplement a lecture text by giving the students an interactive learning experience. Several chemistry specific simulations are available. For many of these, authors have shared lesson plans that can be accessed on the website.

Beginning Chemistry v 1.0 (Ball, 2011); Access Beginning Chemistry v 1.0 (Ball, 2011) on LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) This text includes content for preparatory chemistry courses. Version 2 of the text is available commercially.

Chemistry and Global Awareness (Gordon, 2019) (CC BY-NC-SA) This text covers underlying chemistry for topical subjects in society.

Spring 2022; Resolution Number 3.03 Whereas, California Education Code §78052 (a) states that “It is the intent of the Legislature that community college districts develop and implement zero-textbook-cost degrees and develop open educational resources for courses to reduce the overall cost of education for students and decrease the time it takes students to complete degree …

3.03 Oppose Reliance on Textbook Publishers to Achieve Zero Textbook CostRead More »

Spring 2022; Resolution Number 7.02 Whereas, California Education Code §78052 requires that districts “Develop degrees with consideration for sustainability after grant funding is exhausted, including how content is updated and presented” and that the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office ensure that “a grant does not result in the development or implementation of duplicate degrees for …

7.02 Ensure the Sustainability of the Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree ProgramRead More »

Spring 2022; Resolution Number 13.06 Whereas, Faculty have both the freedom to select the course materials they deem most appropriate and the responsibility to consider the cost burden as they do so (California Code of Regulations Title 5 §59404); Whereas, Provisions of the Higher Education Opportunity Act that went into effect in July 2010 require …

13.06 Faculty Responsibility for Confirming Course Resource AccuracyRead More »

Spring 2022; Resolution Number 13.08 Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI) was formally launched in early 2019 with funds allocated to the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) in Assembly Bill 1809 (Higher Education Trailer Bill, 2017-2018) “to support the development of, and the expansion of the …

13.08 The Open Educational Resources Initiative and Technical Assistance for the Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree ProgramRead More »

Spring 2022; Resolution Number 13.10 Whereas, The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, in its 2020 Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Grant Program Legislative Report (Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Grant Program Legislative Report, CCCCO 2020), has recommended that future zero-textbook-cost (ZTC) funding should focus on investment priorities, including efforts to share and adopt existing quality ZTC programs and course materials, and …

13.10 Student-Facing Zero-Textbook-Cost InformationRead More »