The OpenStax Behavioral Neuroscience book has a heavier emphasis on biology and a deeper examination of biology, chemistry and comparative species than usually taken in a lower division biological psychology course (C-ID PSYC 150).  However, it does take a comprehensive look at all parts of a biological psychology course ranging from the basic neuronal functions, nervous …

Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience (OpenStax) (CC BY-NC-SA)Read More »

Updated: July 30, 2024. Introduction to Python Programming provides a comprehensive foundation in programming concepts and skills, and it is aligned to the scope of most introductory courses. A wide array of scenarios, contexts, and problems reflect programming applications in many disciplines and careers. The offering is suitable for a diverse learner audience, including those pursuing …

Introduction to Python Programming (OpenStax) (CC BY)Read More »

This module provides an introduction to classifiers and the various handshapes used in American Sign Language. Content includes a downloadable pdf showing pictures of each handshape, example sentences specific to each handshape, and narrative stories using advanced classifiers. The narrative stories include two versions of the same script: mime/gesture and ASL.