This textbook accompanies the free and open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology multimedia course available at: Wesch introduces core anthropological concepts and illustrates them by drawing on his own fieldwork experiences and contemporary U.S. examples
Author: Selena Silva-Ortega
OpenStax Introduction to Anthropology is a four-field text integrating diverse voices, engaging field activities, and meaningful themes like Indigenous experiences and social inequality to engage students and enrich learning.
Introduction to Anthropology: Holistic and Applied Research on Being Human was created through the cumulative efforts of the Department of Anthropology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania… This textbook will take students through a range of themes and subject matter, covering the field of anthropology from its history to topics of kinship, human rights, and so …
Materials-based and virtual labs, as well as in-class activities, to accompany each Explorations chapter. Multi-authored labs/activities include:
A collection of labs covering: bone identification; Hardy-Weinberg; primates; bone injuries; hominin cranium comparison. Recommended to be used with Biological Anthropology coursework. From the author: The instructor is expected to present the base material that students will need to complete each activity. This allows the instructor to mold the activities to their own approach. Students …
Biological Anthropology – Laboratory Activities – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)Read More »
There are various resources listed here that may provide lab materials for Biological Anthropology lab courses, or background readings/resources for such courses.
A comprehensive, peer-reviewed, multi-authored OER for introductory biological anthropology courses. This book chapters explore evolutionary theory, genetics, nonhuman primates origin/evolution, hominin origin/evolution, human adaptation, and other topics. Provides ancillaries, including lecture slides, guided reading notes, and testbank. A complete lab manual, with 2-4 labs/activities per chapter is also available.
Developed by a California Community College faculty member, this is an introductory biological anthropology OER textbook. The text (except quotations) is licensed under CC-BY-NC, but the author notes “be careful with the graphics.”
This book includes a section on nonhuman primate origins, but the main focus of the book is on hominin species beginning in the Miocene. This resource from Open SUNY “is designed as a textbook for a course on Human Evolution but can also serve as an introductory text for relevant sections of courses in Biological …
The History of Our Tribe: Hominini (Welker, 2017) (CC-BY-NC-SA)Read More »
This ebook is distributed free through the support of Smashwords, Open Universities Australia and Enculture Press. Focused on the origins of our species (Homo sapiens), this book is an introduction to evolutionary theory and to human origins.