This open text is disseminated via the Open Education Resource (OER) LibreTexts Project. This textbook introduces students to evolutionary theory, nonhuman primates, and human evolution.
Author: Selena Silva-Ortega
Fall 2022; Resolution Number 07.04 Whereas, California Education Code §78052 states that community colleges must “[d]evelop degrees with consideration for sustainability after grant funding is exhausted, including how content is updated and presented,”[1] suggesting that the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office should discourage colleges from employing unsustainable mechanisms to establish degrees such as buying textbooks …
7.04 Establishing an Effective and Sustainable Zero Textbook Cost ProgramRead More »
Fall 2022; Resolution Number 7.08 Whereas, Provisions of the Higher Education Opportunity Act require each institution of higher education receiving federal financial assistance to “disclose, on the institution’s Internet course schedule and in a manner of the institution’s choosing, the International Standard Book Number and retail price information of required and recommended college textbooks and …
7.08 Establishing Consistent Definitions for Course ResourcesRead More »
Fall 2022; Resolution Number 7.09 Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Colleges advocated to establish a course section data element that, at a minimum, differentiates between sections requiring the purchase of a textbook or other instructional materials including those requiring purchase of an access code and all instances when a printed resource is required and …
Fall 2022; Resolution Number 9.01 Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourages local academic senates to establish mechanisms to encourage faculty to consider open educational resources (OER) when developing or revising courses and to document the use of OER on the course outline of record (Resolution S19 09.05[1]); Whereas, The Academic Senate for …
9.01 Removing Barriers to the Adoption of Open Educational ResourcesRead More »
Fall 2022; Resolution 17.02 Whereas, Automatic billing or inclusive access strategies have been introduced by publishers and bookstore vendors as a mechanism to grant students access to course resources by billing them for those resources at the time of registration and requiring that a student opt out of the program for all courses if the …
Fall 2022; Resolution 17.03 Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has urged local academic senates to identify an open educational resources (OER) liaison (Resolution F18 17.02)[1] and subsequently encouraged local colleges to identify and support a faculty OER coordinator because various opportunities for obtaining funding for local OER efforts require that a coordinator …
Fall 2022; Resolution Number 17.05 Whereas, Resolution 03.04 F21, “Develop Statewide Recommendation for Definition of Low-Cost Course Materials” tasked the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges to work with the Student Senate for California Community Colleges and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to identify a recommended definition of low-cost to be considered for adoption …
17.05 Adopt Student Senate for California Community Colleges Low-Cost RecommendationRead More »
Access: Chemistry video mini-lessons at 3C Media Solutions Author: Mark Blaser License: CC BY-NC-SA Descriptors: C-ID CHEM 110/120 (General Chemistry for Science Majors)
Access: Explorations Powerpoints (Google Folder); Request access to the Explorations test bank Authors: Lara Braff, Beth Shook, Katie Nelson, Kelsie Aguilera License: CC BY-NC Descriptor: C-ID ANTH 110 (Introduction to Biological Anthropology) Test banks and lecture slide shows for the recently completed OER text “Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology.”