“Reframing Art History, an open-access multimedia art history ‘textbook,’ gives you a guided journey through the living, breathing, meaningful side of art history. We’re less concerned with names and dates than with meaning and movement. With chapters developed by a group of more than 40 experts, it showcases art and history from the bottom up.”Reviewers’ …

Reframing Art History (Smarthistory) (CC-BY-NC-SA)Read More »

Art history uses multiple art disciplines to study culture and people’s development through time. Visual arts are one of the oldest forms of communication between humans and the fundamental beliefs of their culture. The background of art history has been written from the canon of wealthy individuals from Western countries, focusing on well-known art and …

A World Perspective of Art History: 1400 CE to the 21st Century (Gustlin and Gustlin) (ASCCC-OERI, 2022)Read More »