Polyphony is a functional, creative, and radical resource for facilitating critical conversations about multilingualism, the politics of language, and linguistic justice in the first-year writing classroom. Texts and activities explore diverse perspectives on themes like silencing/voicing, language extinction and reclamation, (in)visibility, translation, agency, and validation, among others. Highlights multiple modes of writing, including personal narrative, …

Polyphony: Reader and Explorations for First-Year Writing (Snow, Takehana, and Ubiera, 2024) (CC-BY-NC-SA)Read More »

Aimed at dual enrollment students, this guide offers students necessary concepts and practice to learn all the elements needed for successful first-year writing and sets the stage for future writing success in college. It covers topics such as reading in writing class, thinking and analyzing rhetorically, writing processes, structuring, revising, multimodal reading, visual rhetoric, research …

Rhetoric Matters: A Guide to Success in the First Year Writing Class (Falk et al.,) (CC BY-NC-SA)Read More »

This OER has a focus on dual enrollment students. This resource introduces students to various rhetorical modes essential for academic writing, including narration, illustration, comparison, and cause and effect. It provides detailed assignment sheets and student worksheets for each major writing project, facilitating practical application of the concepts discussed. Includes professional and student essay examples.

You, Writing! A Guide to College Composition – LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)This textbook emphasizes writing as a process, encouraging students to discover and refine their individual writing methods. It covers topics such as audience analysis, topic selection, thesis development, organization, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading, and research.