This is a lab manual to accompany the University of Houston Virtual KIN 4370 course: Exercise Testing and Prescription. The lab activities have been modified from face-to-face environments to an at-home virtual learning community. Each lab activity includes protocol description, comprehension questions and tables to help with test interpretation. Labs are included for testing flexibility, …
Category: Kinesiology Lab
An open textbook that was adapted from an OpenStax’s anatomy and physiology textbook and follows the scope of most two-semester anatomy and physiology courses. Enrichment elements provide relevance and deeper contexts for kinesiology students with relevance to their intended careers.
An open textbook with seven chapters. There is a chapter on the skeletal system, one on the nervous system, and the remaining five chapters are on the muscles, bones and joints throughout the body.
Provides an overview of the different types of stretches (static, dynamic, PNF) and 10 for the upper extremities and 10 stretches for the lower extremities using proper hand placement and form.
Composed of ten chapters. Includes one thorough chapter on relaxation methods. Other chapters are on managing anger, communication skills, types of anxiety disorders, healthy eating, exercise, time management, and developing a stress reduction plan.
No licenses stated, stated they can be used for private use or any sort of teaching but needs to credit Alice Roberts. High quality, colored illustrations of the bones, joints, and organs. Some illustrations have labels and others drawn lines requiring students to label during an exam.