Friday, November 19, 2021 from 10:30 – 11:30 am
Presentation slides for LibreTexts Remixer
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LibreTexts is the largest, most comprehensive open educational project online hosting over 300,000 pages of openly licensed content that can easily be adopted or adapted as needed. In this webinar, we will provide an over of setting up and logging in to your LibreTexts account, navigating the platform, using your sandbox to edit OER, using the Remixer to create and tailor OER for your courses, using the LibreTexts one-stop bookshop to print OER at cost, and importing LibreTexts content into Canvas. While this session is intended to be a brief overview of the LibreTexts platform, you should gain a clearer understanding of how the site works and learn how using LibreTexts to transition from more traditional, and often costly, educational materials to OER is easier than you might think.