Friday, December 4, 2020 from 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Watch the OER and Anthropology webinar recording Which OER are available for anthropology courses and in use at California community colleges and other colleges/universities? Join us for a panel discussion with the editors of new OER textbooks for cultural anthropology, biological anthropology (lecture and lab), …

OER and AnthropologyRead More »

Friday, November 20, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Register for Open Forum Questions? Ideas? Join us in this Open Forum where you direct the conversation.

Wednesday, December 2, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Register for OERL Conversation: OER New Year’s Resolutions New year, new opportunities to learn and grow your OER initiative. Come to this conversation with ideas about tangible goals for 2021 and brainstorm with your OER colleagues on strategies to achieve those goals. What will your resolution be?

Monday, November 16, 2020 from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Watch the Participatory Governance “Road Show” webinar recording Access the Participatory Governance “Road Show” presentation Are you presenting to your local academic senate? How about a department meeting? Curriculum Committee? What should you say? How do you ensure a positive response? Join this interactive webinar …

The Participatory Governance “Road Show”Read More »

Friday, November 13, 2020 from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Watch the OER: Making the Equity Case webinar recording Access the OER: Making the Equity Case presentation Does the cost of textbooks impact student success and retention? Are traditionally underserved populations more affected than others? Are textbook costs adding to inequities in higher education? Join …

OER: Making the Equity CaseRead More »

Friday, November 13, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Register for Connecting OER to Student Services If OER is to be institutionalized, the commitment to it must be shared by administration and all faculty. Why is it important to ensure that both instructional and non-instructional faculty work together to promote OER? Join this conversation to discuss …

OERL Conversation – Connecting OER to Student ServicesRead More »

Fall 2020; Resolution Number: 09.01 Whereas, Resolution 13.01 S19 asked that the “Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop suggested guidelines, policies, and practices for implementation of SB 1359 (Block, 2016) no later than Spring of 2020”; Whereas, Most California community colleges have overcome the technical challenges associated with implementing a “no-cost” designation in their online …

9.01 Recommendations for the Implementation of a Zero Textbook Cost* (ZTC) Designation in Course SchedulesRead More »