This courseware includes resources copyrighted and openly licensed by multiple individuals and organizations. Click the words “Licenses and Attributions” at the bottom of each page for copyright and licensing information specific to the material on that page. An introductory cultural anthropology textbook covering all major topics and produced by Lumen Learning.

Introduction to Anthropology: Holistic and Applied Research on Being Human was created through the cumulative efforts of the Department of Anthropology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania… This textbook will take students through a range of themes and subject matter, covering the field of anthropology from its history to topics of kinship, human rights, and so …

Introduction to Anthropology: Holistic and Applied Research on Being Human (Palmiotto A, Homsey-Messer L, Ford B, Poole A, Adams A, Allard F, Chadwick W, 2022) (CC BY-SA)Read More »