Introduction to Anthropology: Holistic and Applied Research on Being Human was created through the cumulative efforts of the Department of Anthropology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania… This textbook will take students through a range of themes and subject matter, covering the field of anthropology from its history to topics of kinship, human rights, and so …

Introduction to Anthropology: Holistic and Applied Research on Being Human (Palmiotto A, Homsey-Messer L, Ford B, Poole A, Adams A, Allard F, Chadwick W, 2022) (CC BY-SA)Read More »

A comprehensive, peer-reviewed, multi-authored OER for introductory biological anthropology courses. This book chapters explore evolutionary theory, genetics, nonhuman primates origin/evolution, hominin origin/evolution, human adaptation, and other topics. Provides ancillaries, including lecture slides, guided reading notes, and testbank. A complete lab manual, with 2-4 labs/activities per chapter is also available.

This book includes a section on nonhuman primate origins, but the main focus of the book is on hominin species beginning in the Miocene. This resource from Open SUNY “is designed as a textbook for a course on Human Evolution but can also serve as an introductory text for relevant sections of courses in Biological …

The History of Our Tribe: Hominini (Welker, 2017) (CC-BY-NC-SA)Read More »