This course is intended to provide the new academic senate leader with an overview of information critical to ensuring the effectiveness of a local senate, beginning with the “basis for senate power” and ending with the importance and value of establishing a connection to ASCCC. This course consists of six content modules.
Module 1 – The Basis for Academic Senate Power
Module 2 – Incorporating the Law at the Local Level: Board Policy, District Regulations, and Academic Senate Roles
Module 3 – Duties of a Local Academic Senate President
Module 4 – Ensuring the Effectiveness of the Local Academic Senate
Module 5 – Working Effectively with Others
Module 6 – Linking Your Local Academic Senate to the ASCCC.
Learning Outcomes:
Module 1 – The Basis for Academic Senate Power
Approximate time to complete this module: 2-3 hours.
Upon successful completion of Module 1, you will be able to:
- explain the “powers” given to senates in Education Code, Title 5 regulations, Board of Governors’ Standing Orders, and Chancellor’s Office Guidelines.
- cite examples of Chancellor’s Office Guidelines and their role in guiding the work of the California Community Colleges.
- explain the origins of the “10 + 1” academic and professional matters that are the senate’s purview.
- provide examples of “+ 1” local senate responsibilities.
- compare and contrast the two forms of collegial consultation that local governing boards can use when working with the senate.
- explain where the select methods of collegial consultation should be codified.
- discuss the significance of the terms “exceptional circumstances”, “compelling reasons”, and compelling legal, fiscal, or organizational reasons”.
- discuss the senate’s right to appear before the local governing board and the local board’s right to determine how such interactions occur.
- list senate responsibilities other than the “10 + 1” and their origins.
- discuss the areas identified in Education Code where academic senates and faculty unions are required to work together.
- discuss the difference between faculty service areas and minimum qualifications.
- explain the importance of a good senate-union working relationship.
Module 2 – Incorporating the Law at the Local Level: Board Policy, District Regulations, and Academic Senate Roles
Approximate time to complete this module: 1 – 1.5 hours.
Upon successful completion of Module 2, you will be able to:
- explain the functions of board policies.
- discuss the consequences of a district choosing to not comply with Education Code and/or Title 5.
- explain the role of CCLC templates.
- identify policies that must exist in all districts.
- discuss the importance of understanding your local board policy development and review process.
- discuss how the roles of the academic senate and other participants in local governance are different.
- explain the importance of ensuring that your local senate has a clear understanding of local board policies and their review.
- explain the decision-making authority of local boards.
- explain the appropriate course of action a senate should take if it believes its recommendations were rejected without just cause.
- discuss the importance of seeking an amicable resolution to any senate-board dispute.
- discuss the options available to a senate that believes it is being treated unfairly.
Module 3 – Duties of a Local Academic Senate President
Approximate time to complete this module: 1.5 – 2 hours.
Upon successful completion of Module 3, you will be able to:
- identify the laws, policies, and regulations a local senate president should be familiar with.
- explain how a local senate president can ensure that he/she is well-informed about state and local matters of import to senates.
- identify issues of particular import to a local senate president.
- explain the duties of a local senate president.
- discuss how the academic senate president’s signature authority can be used effectively.
- discuss the steps necessary to ensure the current and future health of the senate.
- explain the obligations of the senate president to his/her senate.
- discuss how a senate president should work with and rely on the local executive committee or officers.
- discuss the importance of communicating effectively with his or her faculty and identify mechanisms for doing so.
- recognized the importance of ensuring an issue is within the senate’s purview before taking action.
- explain the senate president’s role as the faculty’s representative to the governing board and other college constituencies.
- discuss the importance of articulating the positions of the senate effectively and acting in a manner consistent with the will of the senate.
- discuss how to manage the workload of being a senate president.
- recognize the importance of delegating.
Module 4 – Ensuring the Effectiveness of the Local Academic Senate
Approximate time to complete this module: 3 – 4 hours.
Upon successful completion of Module 4, you will be able to:
- explain the difference between an academic senate’s constitution and its bylaws.
- recognize the importance of regular review of the local senate constitution and bylaws.
- discuss the ways that a local senate can be structured and the principles that should guide the chosen structure.
- explain the intent of the Brown Act and its applicability to local senates.
- discuss the provisions of the Brown Act that impact how local senates handle their agendas.
- explain the Brown Act’s prohibition of serial meetings.
- discuss whether or not the Brown Act applies to the subcommittees of the senate.
- explain what Robert’s Rule of Order is and why a local senate would want to follow these “rules”.
- list common senate agenda items.
- discuss the use of a consent agenda, approaches to public comment, and the value of appointing a parliamentarian.
- locate legal requirements for senate agenda.
- delineate good practices for ensuring a meeting runs smoothly.
- explain the importance of providing an orientation and regular training for senate members.
- identify resources that can be used to assist in the training of your local senate.
- discuss techniques for recruiting new senators and committee members.
- explain the importance of succession planning and goal setting.
- discuss ways of communicating with the faculty and the college communication as a whole, as well as the importance of providing mechanisms to facilitate two-way communications.
- recognize the importance of handling sensitive communications appropriately.
Module 5 – Working Effectively with Others
Approximate time to complete this module: 2 – 3 hours.
Upon successful completion of Module 5, you will be able to:
- discuss the importance of maintaining an attitude of respect and professionalism when dealing with board members.
- explain the value of providing opportunities to interact with board members, as well as the importance of ensuring that the superintendent/president is informed of all such communications.
- explain the value of viewing the senate and the administration as partners.
- discuss the benefit of maintaining a positive relationship that allows for collegial consideration of controversial issues.
- recognize the value of personal connections.
- discuss how the roles of the union and senate differ.
- explain the importance of establishing a healthy relationship between the senate and the union.
- explain the benefits of establishing positive relationships with students and classified staff.
- recognize the ten areas identified in Title 5 as being in the purview of students.
- discuss the role of students and staff in governance.
Module 6 – Linking Your Local Academic Senate to the ASCCC
Approximate time to complete this module: 1.5 – 2 hours
Upon successful completion of Module 6, you will be able to:
- explain the functions that ASCCC performs at the state level.
- discuss ASCCC’s role and how it serves local senates.
- discuss the resources that ASCCC provides.
- explain what an ASCCC Plenary is and its role in establishing the positions and priorities of ASCCC.
- recognize ASCCC professional development opportunities and explain where to find information regarding upcoming events.
- discuss how faculty are nominated and selected for membership on an ASCCC committee.
- identify at least four ASCCC Standing Committees.
- identify other faculty appointments made by ASCCC.
- explain the benefits of ASCCC service to the individual and the college.
- locate information regarding the various ASCCC awards.
- explain the importance of nominating faculty for ASCCC awards.