Fall 2023, Resolution Number 06.01 Whereas, AB 607 (Kalra, 2023)[1] modifies California Education Code §66406.9[2] to expand the cost information required in course schedules, requiring that colleges Prominently display, by means that may include a link to a separate internet web page, the estimated costs for each course of all required course materials and fees …

6.01 Recommendations for the Implementation of AB 607 (Kalra, 2023) Amendments to California Education Code §66406.9Read More »

Fall 2023, Resolution Number 07.02 Whereas, The Procedures and Standing Orders of the Board of Governors (December, 2022)[1] requires that “any published materials produced under an agreement or sub-agreement using public funds must be subject to a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY),” allowing such materials to be used, modified, and monetized by any entity …

7.02 Clarification of Licensing Requirement and Inclusion of CC BY-NC License in Procedures and Standards of the Board of GovernorsRead More »

Fall 2023, Resolution Number 17.01 Whereas, California Education Code §78052[1] requires that districts “Develop degrees with consideration for sustainability after grant funding is exhausted, including how content is updated and presented,” and the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) recognizes open educational resources as the preferred and most sustainable mechanism for eliminating course costs …

17.01 Sustainability and Institutionalization of Zero-Textbook-Cost Pathway EffortsRead More »

Fall 2023, Resolution Number 17.02 Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) is committed to the participation of part-time faculty in all academic and professional matters, as evidenced by the inclusion and recognition of part-time faculty though committee appointments, numerous resolutions, position papers, and the adoption of Resolution 01.01 S23 Add a Designated …

17.02 Part-time Faculty Inclusion in OER and ZTC PathwaysRead More »

Fall 2023, Resolution Number 20.02 Whereas, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Resolution 20.02 F20 Ensure Course Cost Transparency for Students[1] encourages “local academic senates to advocate for the implementation of a process for consistent, clear, and transparent messaging to students prior to registration regarding all material and supply costs in appropriate locations including the …

20.02 Provide Student Access to Free Open Educational Course ResourcesRead More »

This clearly organized and presented textbook features many informative diagrams and photographs and includes chapter review questions. It covers most of the C-ID required topics for Environmental Geology. The topics not included in the book, such as formation of the Earth, are easily found in other OER resources. Overall, this book could be used as …

Environmental Geology (Steven Earle, 2021) (CC BY-NC-SA) – Thompson Rivers University, British ColumbiaRead More »

Monday, November 13, 2023 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Register for Compensating for OER and ZTC Projects Join us for a conversation about compensating faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders for their work on OER and ZTC projects. Does your college offer re-assigned time? Are stipends given and possibly limited? Is hourly compensation sufficient? …

Compensating for Open Educational Resources (OER) and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) ProjectsRead More »