Exploring Intercultural Communication is a comprehensive introductory text, it begins by defining intercultural communication and the roots of culture. It includes chapters on identity, verbal and nonverbal processes, culture shock, barriers and conflict, intercultural relationships and communication competence.
Author: Amy Liao
Intercultural Communication for the Community College (Krumrey-Fulks) in LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA) In the quest to explore the multiple facets of intercultural communication, this book is divided into three general areas: foundations, elements, and contexts. The foundations cover the basic principles associated with communication studies and culture. The elements move beyond the basics into self, identities, verbal, …
Intercultural Communication for the Community College (Krumrey-Fulks, 2019, PressBooks)Read More »
Language and Culture in Context – A Primer on Intercultural Communication (Godwin-Jones) in LibreTexts (CC BY-NC) This textbook was written and designed especially for College of the Canyons Communications students. The following chapters will cover topics such as: understanding cultural identity, social construction, cultural biases, and culture shock. There are two types of interactive features in …
Language and Culture in Context: A Primer on Intercultural Communication (Godwin-Jones)Read More »
Intercultural Communication examines culture as a variable in interpersonal and collective communication. It explores the opportunities and problems arising from similarities and differences in communication patterns, processes, and codes among various cultural groups. It explores cultural universals, social categorization, stereotyping and discrimination, with a focus on topics including race, ethnicity, social class, religion, gender and …
Speaking of Culture was designed to fulfill General Education breadth requirements in social sciences at Utah State University intended to introduce students to the nature, history, and methods of different disciplines; and to help students understand the cultural, historical, and natural contexts shaping the human experience. This book focuses on culture and other concepts associated …
Speaking of Culture (Weil – Rebus) (CC BY-NC 3.0)Read More »
Each of the three modules in this series introducing the Little Red Schoolhouse principles aims to do several things: (1) Present an overview of the Little Red Schoolhouse method; (2) Review key LRS topics and terminology; (3) Examine one aspect of the writing and editing process more closely, working through selected examples.
Exploring Perspectives helps students gain a better understanding of how to discover, develop, and revise an analytical essay. The first two chapters focus on the nature of an analysis and what’s involved in writing an analytical essay. Then students are shown how to “set the stage” for producing one of their own. The remaining three …
Communication Theory is a Wikibook with an overview of communication theory. It includes an introduction and then has chapters covering theories from Uncertainty Reduction to Uses and Gratification to Social Systems and Network Society.
(CC BY-NC-SA) This OER textbook provides a survey of the field of communication studies. In today’s world, it’s difficult or even nearly impossible to function without some level of communication literacy. That term, communication literacy, refers to the ability of an individual to not only convey their ideas, information, and messages to others, but also …