California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources
OER Collections for the California Community Colleges, organized by discipline, CSU general education requirements, Transfer Model Curricula, and C-ID are available, as well as a summary of OER gaps. The OERI’s curated collections are developed by the OERI Discipline Leads. Access ASCCC OERI Supported Resources for an overview of the OER that has been supported by the OERI, as well as an overview of the OER that is presently being developed.
- OER by Discipline
- Searchable ASCCC OERI OER by C-ID Collection
- OER by California State University General Education
- OER by the California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC)
- OER by Transfer Model Curriculum
- OER by C-ID can be found on the COOL4Ed website – “C-ID” refers to the Course Identification Numbering System that establishes articulation among the California Community Colleges.
- ASCCC OERI – Identified Gaps in OER Availability
ASCCC OERI Supported Resources
The ASCCC OERI funds the development of new OER for courses commonly taught in the CCCs. Access all OERI-supported resources.
OER-Related Opportunities
Learn about currently available OER-related opportunities including funding and professional development opportunities.
Access the OER and ZTC page to find all the latest information about Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) degrees and related textbook affordability requirements. Access the results from our ASCCC OER Development Compensation Survey Summary (2019) to learn what colleges and districts have done with prior ZTC and textbook affordability funding. Interested in sharing your ZTC plans? Let the OERI know what your college or district is doing.
In addition to state-specific requirements related to textbook affordability, there is a federal requirement that course material costs be made available to students at the time of registration. In other words, in addition to “marking” no-cost sections, students should be provided with information regarding text costs at the time of registration. Typically, a link to the bookstore’s text information is found in the schedule – ideally ensuring that both the costs of commercial texts and access to free digital resources (and low-cost print options) is available to students. See samples of textbook information in course schedules.
ASCCC OERI Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism (IDEA) Framework
The ASCCC IDEA Framework is intended to by a dynamic and ever-evolving resource. Access the IDEA Framework for more information.
ASCCC OERI Student Impact Toolkit
The ASCCC OERI Student Impact Toolkit was developed by a team of OER Liaisons and is intended to facilitate the gathering and sharing of student perspectives related to both OER and ZTC. Access OERI Student Impact Toolkit: Measuring Student Impact and Capturing Student Voices in OER/ZTC to learn more.
ASCCC OER Quick Guides
ASCCC OER Quick Guides offers a collection of openly licensed resources directly – and indirectly – related to OER advocacy, adoption, and development. If you have a resource you’d like us to share – or a resource you’d like us to develop – please let us know. For most topics, we’ve provided an accessible webpage (or two) and a PDF designed for printing.
Open Educational Resources
“Open Educational Resources” houses a collection of OER resources organized by what they have to offer and/or what they allow you to do.
OER-Related Resolutions
A number of OER-related resolutions have been adopted by the ASCCC and local academic senates.
OER and Success
Is there evidence that OER increases student success? How do you gather data at the local level to demonstrate the effectiveness of OER? “OER and Success” showcases OER-related data and provides guidance for those seeking to gather such data at the local level. Please let us know if you know of a resource that should be included in our collection.
OER Advocacy
How do you advocate for OER at the local level – and how do you ensure that you, the advocate, are well informed? Access our collection of OER Advocacy resources for some suggestions.
OER and Students
How do you talk to students about OER – and how do you help students become OER advocates?
Access our resources for talking to students about OER.
OER, Articulation, and Curriculum
If OER is to become part of your local culture, how do you address articulation concerns and integrate OER into the curriculum process? Access Articulation, Curriculum, and Open Educational Resources for answers and ideas.
Legislation and Current Events
As in many states, California law now requires that the California Community Colleges and the California State University “mark” course sections that have no associated textbook costs. Read about SB 1359.
What is “inclusive access” and why are there concerns about it?
- Read more about “inclusive access” or “automatic billing”.
- Get the facts about automatic textbook billing
This page last updated 4-30-23.