While the OERI has focused on simplifying the identification of available OER for courses commonly taught in the California Community Colleges, after almost five years of working on identifying and developing OER (see ASCCC OERI Supported Resources), developing a comprehensive list of areas where OER are lacking is appropriate. Please see OER by Discipline, OER Resources by CSU GE, and OER Resources by TMC to view the OERI’s curated collections. It should be noted that identified OER for a given course may not meet the needs of all faculty. Please direct any questions, comments, and/or suggestions to the general OER email.
California State University General Educational Areas Lacking OER
Using only courses with C-ID designations that commonly fulfill general education requirements, the only general education area that does not appear to be well served is the new general educational area, Area F (Ethnic Studies). As OER for courses that fill this requirement are identified the OER Resources by CSU GE page will be updated.
Courses Specified in Transfer Model Curricula Lacking OER
In a statewide effort to simplify transfer, faculty from the California Community Colleges and the California State University collaborated to develop a transfer model curriculum (TMC) for common transfer majors. Each TMC establishes a structure for the major component of an Associate Degree for Transfer. For most of the required courses in a TMC there is a Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) descriptor that delineates the critical components of the course. It should be noted that some TMCs allow for a wide variety of elective courses that may not be served by OER.
At present, most analyses are subject to Discipline Lead review. Analyses that have been review are indicated with an asterisk. “No gaps identified” means that an ADT can be developed using available OER.
Available Transfer Model Curricula
*Administration of Justice
List “B” – Choose any two of the following courses (5/7 options have OER)
- Introduction to Forensics (C-ID AJ 150)
- Juvenile Procedures (C-ID AJ 220)
Agriculture Animal Sciences
No analysis conducted.
Agriculture Business
No analysis conducted.
Agriculture Plant Sciences
No analysis conducted.
While OER are available to meet the “List A” requirements of the TMC, Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (3) (C-ID ANTH 130) is a specified option for which related OER are available, but these generally have been deemed to be insufficient.
Art History
List A – Select one from the following (2/4 options have OER)
- Art of the Ancient Americas (C-ID ARTH 145)
- Any CSU transferable non-western art history course
List B – Select one from the following
- 2-D Foundations (C-ID ARTS 100)
- 3-D Foundations (C-ID ARTS 101)
- Figure Drawing (C-ID ARTS 200)
- Introduction to Digital Art (C-ID ARTS 250)
- Introduction to Ceramics (C-ID ARTS 230)
- Introduction to Photography (C-ID ARTS 260)
- Sculpture (C-ID ARTS 240)
No gaps identified.
Business Administration
No gaps identified.
No gaps identified.
Child and Adolescent Development
No gaps identified.
Communication Studies
List A, Select 2 (7/8 specified options have OER identified)
- Oral Interpretation of Literature (C-ID COMM 170)
Computer Science
No gaps identified.
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
No gaps identified.
No gaps identified.
Elementary Teacher Education
List A – Select one (4/5 options have OER)
- Physical Science for Educators
List B – Select one (5/8 options have OER)
- Dance History and Appreciation or Introduction to Dance
- Music Appreciation (C-ID MUS 100)
- Introduction to Theatre (C-ID THTR 111)
List A – Select two (7/8 options have OER)
Survey of Literature in English 3 (C-ID ENGL 155)
List C – Select one (electives – many options)
- Introduction to Theater (THTR 111)
- Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (C-ID ANTH 130)
- Oral Interpretation of Literature (C-ID COMM 170)
Environmental Science
No gaps identified.
Film, Television and Electronic Media
Core Options
- Introduction to Electronic Media (C-ID FTVE 100)
- Introduction to Media Writing (C-ID FTVE 110) or Introduction to Screenwriting (C-ID FTVE 115)
- Introduction to Media Aesthetics and Cinematic Arts (C-ID FTVE 105)
List A: Select 1 Audio and 1 Video or Film production course from the following (6 units minimum):
Audio course options lacking OER:
- Beginning Audio Production (C-ID FTVE 120)
- Beginning Radio Production (C-ID FTVE 125)
Video or Film course options lacking OER:
- Beginning TV Studio Production (C-ID FTVE 135)
No gaps identified.
Historical Geology with Lab (C-ID GEOL 111)
- While resources for both the lecture and the lab have been identified, the text identified for the lecture component of the course is not comprehensive enough to be the only text for the course.
Global Studies
No analysis conducted.
Area 1 – Any Diversity Course (extensive list of options)
Non-Western History Course (CSU GE Area C or D)
*Hospitality Management
Any lower division course articulated for the Hospitality Management degree at the CSU (3-4)
List B Options
- Introduction to Photography (C-ID ARTS 260)
- Desktop Publishing
- Introduction to Critical Thinking
- Introduction to Kinesiology (KIN 100) (Core)
- Survey of General Organic, and Biological Chemistry (One of many List A options)
Law, Public Policy, and Society
- Understanding the law – Introduction to Law and Society (C-ID LPPS 110) (Core)
- Ethics – Ethical Reasoning (C-ID LPPS 120) (Core option)
No gaps identified.
No analysis conducted.
Nutrition and Dietetics
No analysis conducted.
Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy (elective option).
No gaps identified.
*Political Science
Introduction to the Politics of Race and Gender (C-ID POLS 170) (elective option)
No gaps identified.
Public Health Science
- Personal Health and Wellness (C-ID PHS 100) (Core course.)
- Introduction to Public Health (C-ID PHS 101) (Core course.)
- Health and Social Justice (C-ID PHS 102) (List A option.)
- Drugs, Health and Society (C-ID PHS 103) (List A option.)
Social Justice Studies
While all specified courses do have OER options, resources for other TMC components may be needed (e.g., Courses with articulation as major preparation for a major the TMC is intended to serve).
Social Work and Human Services
No gaps identified.
No gaps identified.
- Intermediate Spanish II (C-ID SPAN 210) or Spanish for Heritage Speakers II (C-ID SPAN 230) – A combination of resources may be needed to meet C-ID descriptor.
- Any course articulated as major preparation for the Spanish major (elective)
Studio Arts
Core Courses
- 2-D Foundations (C-ID ARTS 100)
- 3-D Foundations (C-ID ARTS 101)
- Fundamentals of Drawing (C-ID ARTS 110)
List B: Studio Arts Restricted Electives: Select one course from any of the three following areas:
- Drawing
- Figure Drawing (C-ID ARTS 200)
- Or Intermediate Drawing (C-ID ARTS 205)
- Painting
- Introduction to Painting (C-ID ARTS 210)
- Printmaking
- Introduction to Printmaking (C-ID ARTS 220)
- Ceramics
- Introduction to Ceramics (C-ID ARTS 230)
- Sculpture
- Sculpture (C-ID ARTS 240)
- Digital Art
- Introduction to Digital Art (C-ID ARTS 250)
- Photography
- Introduction to Photography (C-ID ARTS 260)
- Color
- Color Theory (ARTS 270)
- Applied Design
- Introduction to Crafts (C-ID ARTS 280)
- Or Introduction to Jewelry and Metalsmithing (C-ID ARTS 281)
- Or Introduction to Fiber Arts (C-ID ARTS 282)
- Other Media
- Second Semester
Theatre Arts
“Core” Courses: 9 units (3 courses)
- Introduction to Theatre (C-ID THTR 111) or Theatre History I (C-ID THTR 113)
- Acting I (C-ID THTR 151)
- Rehearsal and Performance in Production (C-ID THTR 191) or Technical Theatre in Production (C-ID THTR 192)
List A: Select 9 units (3 courses) from the following:
- Acting II (C-ID THTR 152)
- Introduction to Design or Introduction to Theatre Design (C-ID THTR 172)
- Introduction to Stage Lighting or Lighting Design Fundamentals (C-ID THTR 173)
- Introduction to Stage Costume or Fundamentals of Costume Design (C-ID THTR 174)
- Introduction to Stage Makeup or Stage Makeup (C-ID THTR 175)
- Script Analysis (C-ID THTR 114)
- Stagecraft (C-ID THTR 171)
- Rehearsal and Performance in Production (C-ID THTR 191) or Technical Theatre in Production (C-ID THTR 192)
*Discipline Lead has reviewed.
This page last updated March 16, 2025. Review of Collaboration Cohort findings is presently in process.