ZTC Acceleration Grant Collaboration Cohort Outcomes
At the conclusion of the cohort process, the OERI will provide a report to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) that will document the work of the cohort, verify the absence of duplicative plans, and/or delineate how duplication will be prevented or minimized.
Collaboration Cohort FAQs and Updates
(scroll down for the status of each cohort)
ZTC Collaboration Cohort Process and Procedures
- ZTC Collaboration Cohort Process
- Action Plan Development Process (Flowchart)
- Action Plan Development Process (Text-Only Version)
- Subgroup and Action Plan Guidance
- Collaborative Project Facilitation
Access this page directly: tinyurl.com/ZTCCohorts
The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI) is facilitating the ZTC Acceleration Grant Collaboration Cohorts. Although this process was introduced to prevent the duplication of effort, it also provides a means to ensure the awareness of available open educational resources (OER) and other sustainable means of achieving ZTC status, share OER development plans, and identify opportunities for collaboration. Participation in a Collaboration Cohort is not a commitment to collaborate, but rather an indication of a willingness to share and learn. The outcome of the process would only be a collaboration if representatives from some or all of the participating colleges agree on a project that would benefit from collaboration. Ideally, the cohort process will decrease the work necessary to achieve a ZTC pathway for all who are involved. At the conclusion of the cohort process, the OERI will provide a report to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) that will document the work of the cohort, verify the absence of duplicative plans, and/or delineate how duplication will be prevented or minimized. A flowchart depicting an overview of the Collaboration Cohort process is available.
The Collaboration Cohort process is intended to address the following components of California Education Code §78052:
- The chancellor’s office shall ensure that a grant does not result in the development or implementation of duplicate degrees for a subject matter to avoid duplication of effort and ensure the development and implementation of the greatest number of degrees for the benefit of the greatest number of students. (Note: this does not mean that working on the same degree is prohibited, but that “duplication of effort” is avoided. In other words, a process is needed to verify that the same work is not happening at multiple colleges.)
- As a condition of receiving funding appropriated in the annual Budget Act to develop and implement degrees, a community college district shall
- prioritize the development and implementation of a degree from an existing associate degree for transfer and, to the extent possible, prioritize the adaptation of existing open educational resources through existing open educational resources initiatives, or elsewhere, before creating new content.
- develop degrees with consideration for sustainability after grant funding is exhausted, including how content is updated and presented.
- Ensure compliance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 104-197) and the federal Copyright Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-553).
- Develop and implement a degree that other community college districts can use or adapt, and post each degree, and the contents of the degree, on the online clearinghouse of information established pursuant to Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2016, or a successor internet website.
- All open educational resources used as learning materials for a degree developed pursuant to this section shall be added to the California Digital Open Source Library established in Section 66408.
Current Status of Collaboration Cohorts
If you are a contact for your college and have not received information on your collaboration cohort, please contact us at oeri@asccc.org.
Interested in seeing what resources others are using? Visit the Collaboration Cohort Reported OER Usage page.
Discipline | Status |
Administration of Justice | First convening was held April 26, 2024. A follow-up meeting to discuss the conversion of less commonly taught courses and courses where OER are not currently available was held on July 22, 2024. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Administration of Justice Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Anthropology | First convening was held April 26, 2024. Overlap in plans appears to be limited. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Anthropology Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Art History | First convening was held March 25, 2024. This group merged with the Studio Arts Collaboration due to overlapping degree requirements. See the Art History and Studio Art Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Biology | First convening was held March 19, 2024. Two follow-up meetings were held on April 8, 2024 and May 9, 2024 to discuss plans for collaboration. The working subgroups are: Anatomy and Physiology and Microbiology. See the Biology Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Business | First convening was held April 25, 2024. Overlap in plans appears to be limited. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Business Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Chemistry | First convening was held April 5, 2024 and a follow up meeting was held September 19. The working subgroups are: General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Chemistry Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Communication Studies | First convening was held March 21, 2024 and two follow up meetings were held April 29 and September 16. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Communication Studies Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Data Science | First convening was held April 22, 2024 and a follow-up meeting was held on May 15, 2024. Overlap in plans appears to be limited. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Data Science Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
ECE/CD | First convening was held April 16, 2024. A follow-up meeting with the entire cohort was held on June 17 where an experienced OER author explained the OER creation and adaptation process. In addition, LibreTexts training was provided. The working subgroups are: Abuse and Maltreatment, Administration and Supervision I and II, Practicum in Early Childhood Education (C-ID ECE 210), Guidance and Discipline, and Observation and Assessment (C-ID ECE 200). The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Early Childhood Education and Child Development Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Economics | First convening was held April 3, 2024 and a follow up meeting was held May 20. Collaborative projects are underway for Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Economics Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
(Elementary) Teacher Education | First convening was held April 22, 2024, and a follow-up meeting was held on September 18, 2024. Overlap in plans appears to be limited. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Teacher Education Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
English | First convening was held April 23, 2o24 and a follow-up meeting was held on September 20, 2024. There are collaborative efforts for resource sharing across a variety of English courses. Collaborative projects are underway for College Composition and British Literature II. The collaboration cohort has been formally been closed. See the English Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Geography | First convening was held April 22, 2024 and follow-up meetings were held on September 15, 2024 and September 30, 2024. The group is considering authoring a modular resource that could support a variety of Geography courses. The collaboration cohort has been formally been closed. See the Geography Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Geology | First convening was held April 15, 2024. Collaborative projects are underway for the Historical Geology Lecture and Lab. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Geology Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
History | First convening was held April 2, 2024. The Women’s History subgroup met on May 9 and the entire cohort convened on September 20. A collaborative project is underway for Women’s History. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the History Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Humanities | First convening was held April 24, 2024. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Humanities Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Journalism | First convening was held March 20, 2024 and a follow-up meeting was held May 2. The working subgroup is Introduction to Photojournalism. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Journalism Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Library | First convening was held April 22, 2024. Overlap in plans appears to be limited. Final plans are being gathered before closing the cohort. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Library Science and Library Technology Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Math | First convening was held April 1, 2024. Two follow-up meetings were held on April 30 and September 16. The cohort is creating a shared MyOpenMath library for calculus, ordinary differential equations, and linear algebra courses. This shared library will allow the colleges to build off the work of each other in real-time and prevent duplication of efforts. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Mathematics Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Multimedia/FTVE | First convening was held April 25, 2o24. Overlap in plans appears to be limited. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Multimedia/Film, Television, and Electronic Media Final Report for more information. |
Philosophy | First convening was held April 8, 2024. Overlap in plans appears to be limited. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Philosophy Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Physics | First convening was held April 24, 2024 and a follow-up meeting was held on September 16, 2024. The working subgroups are: Homework Systems; Images; and IDEAA in STEM. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Physics Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Political Science | First convening scheduled for March 21, 2024. Collaborative projects are underway for several courses. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Political Science Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Psychology | First convening was held April 16, 2024 and a follow-up meeting was held on September 18, 2024. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Psychology Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Social Work and Human Services | First convening was held April 23, 2024. The collaboration cohort has formally been closed. See the Social Work and Human Services Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Sociology | First convening was held April 24, 2024, and a follow-up meeting was held on September 19, 2024. Overlap in plans appears to be limited.The cohort has been formally closed. See the Sociology Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Spanish | First convening was held March 22, 2024 and follow-up meetings were held May 9, 2024 and August 19, 2024. The cohort has been formally closed. See the Spanish Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Studio Art | First convening was held March 20, 2024 and a follow-up meeting was held on April 12, 2024. Cohort participants were formally added to the Art History cohort due to overlapping degree requirements. See the Art History and Studio Art Collaboration Cohort Final Report for more information. |
Collaboration Cohort Data Collection
Greetings! The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI) is looking forward to working with representatives from colleges across the state who are participating in a Collaboration Cohort. Our goal is to facilitate an effective and efficient process for sharing resources and plans. And, where warranted, support the development of comprehensive plans for collaboration across colleges.
Access this page directly: tinyurl.com/ZTCCohorts
In preparation for the work of the cohorts, we are requesting two types of information from you:
- For your target pathway, what course(s) are you planning to convert to zero textbook cost (ZTC) and how are you planning to accomplish this?
- For your target pathway, what resources were used to get the courses that are already ZTC to ZTC?
Our goal is to gather this information from you in the simplest way possible, so we have created an Excel spreadsheet for each of the cohorts. If a discipline has a Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) that establishes the structure of an Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T), the spreadsheet has been pre-populated with the appropriate C-ID descriptors and their titles. If your pathway contains courses that have C-ID designations and these have not been specified in the provided spreadsheet, you are encouraged to add them in.
All spreadsheets align with the names of the cohorts to which you were invited, with a few exceptions:
- Teacher Education has been renamed to align with the name of the TMC, Elementary Teacher Education
- Child Development / Early Childhood Education has been broken into 3 groups:
- Child and Adolescent Development
- Early Childhood Education Degrees
- Early Childhood Education Certificates. The Early Childhood Education Certificates spreadsheet is pre-populated with C-ID designations and titles, as well as the titles of the 7 California Community College ECE Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP) expansion courses.
In order to minimize the downloads necessary to obtain the spreadsheets you need, the spreadsheets been bundled alphabetically. Once you have compiled your data, you will upload it to the ASCCC OERI’s ZTC Collaboration Cohort Data Submission Dropbox.
The cohort data collection spreadsheets are group alphabetically in an Excel workbook that contains the spreadsheets for 3 – 5 disciplines. Instructions for completing the spreadsheet will be available on the final page of each workbook, as well as listed below. If you have any questions, please let us know. The instructions on this page will be modified as needed.
- Do not delete any columns. Rows can be added or deleted, but columns must not be modified.
- In any spreadsheet, your college need only be entered once.
- Drop-down menus are used to identify the type of award associated with your pathways(s) and the status of each of your courses.
- Type of Award options:
- Associate Degree for Transfer
- AA
- AS
- Certificate of Achievement
- Other
- Course Status options:
- Not part of the pathway.
- Currently ZTC. (Select this option if you have ZTC options available and you are not planning on working on the course as part of your funded ZTC work.)
- Adopting existing OER.
- Adapting existing OER. (Select this option if you are modifying or “remixing” existing OER.)
- Creating new OER.
- OER starting point has not been determined.
- Unknown.
- Other
- When “other” has been selected, please use the final “Notes” column to specify the other and any other unique information you wish to convey, such as planned work on ancillaries.
- After specifying “Course Status”, the next column prompts you to supply “OER presently in use or OER to be adopted or adapted.” This should read “Resources presently in use or OER to be adopted or adapted.” If you specifying a resource that is presently in use that is not OER, please explain in the “Notes” column.
- Type of Award options:
- Drop-down menus are also used when a TMC specifies options for required options. For example, many TMCs require a statistics course and allow for courses aligned with either MATH 110 or SOCI 125.
- If the work you have proposed to do will complete more than one ZTC pathway, complete the spreadsheet with the curriculum of your primary pathway and list that pathway first. But please also include the names of any other pathways that the work you have planned will complete. If you have sought funds for multiple ZTC pathways in a cohort discipline, please duplicate the spreadsheets as needed. In other words, you should have one spreadsheet for each Acceleration Grant application that was submitted for a discipline cohort you have opted into.
- If there are courses that are not formally part of the major component of a degree pathway you are working on, but are courses you will be working to get to zero as part if your work, please include these.
- If you are unsure of the C-ID status of any course, please go to https://c-id.net/courses. This page on the C-ID website will allow you to search for the courses in a discipline at your college that have a C-ID designation.
- Don’t worry if the OER information you provide is incomplete While we hope you can share the resources you are presently using to get courses to zero, the most important information for this phase of the cohort is the work you have planned. When a URL is not available, please provide the available identifying information.
- Please name your completed spreadsheet with your college and the cohort. Feel free to either delete the unused pages in a workbook or upload the entire workbook. In other words, do what is easiest for you.
- Upload to: ASCCC OERI’s ZTC Collaboration Cohort Data Submission Dropbox.
Data Collection Spreadsheets
The data collection spreadsheets are included in workbooks that are grouped alphabetically by discipline. Please download the workbooks that contain the spreadsheets relevant to your college. You may delete the spreadsheet tabs within the workbook that do not apply to you. Note: Child Development (Child and Adolescent Development) and Early Childhood Education are grouped in their own workbook.
- Child and Adolescent Development, Early Childhood Education Degrees, and Early Childhood Education Certificate Spreadsheets
- Administration of Justice, Anthropology, Art History, Biology, and Business Administration Spreadsheets
- Chemistry, Communication Studies, Data Science, and Economics Spreadsheets
- Elementary Teacher Education, English, Geography, Geology, and Health Science Spreadsheets
- History, Humanities, Journalism, Library Science/Library Technician, and Mathematics Spreadsheets
- Multimedia and Film, Television and Electronic Media, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, and Psychology Spreadsheets
- Social Work and Human Services, Sociology, Spanish, and Studio Arts Spreadsheets
This page last updated December 16, 2024.